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Michael Jones

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Everything posted by Michael Jones

  1. I enjoy the mod. I do a have a bit of lag, but overall I am still able to enjoy it. The only suggestion I would have is that we should be able to remove suspects from police cars once we put them in them (to move them to another patrol car for transport for example). I've seen that in other mods, and liked that feature. Overall though, great job!
  2. I've been fiddling around with the call patrol car script in LA mod version 2.1. I put a WAV file i have in and replaced the pd backup call that was there (overwrited it) with my file. I won't play the file in game and i can't figure out how to remove the backup from coming.
  3. I'm looking to add radio commands that the police officers can use (shots fired, etc) but i have no modding experience and no idea how to add them to the command group. I've alreafy got some of the clips from real police scanners i want to use.
  4. You have to run it like a mission, so once you load the mod, instead of launching it in freeplay click on campaign instead of the freeplay button.
  5. I am building a military base in the Los Angeles Mod. For the entrance, i was hoping to like install a railroad crossing gate or something that swings up and down like that. Is it possible to do that? Is there a script to where it would automatically open when a vehicle approached it and then closed again. I currently have a railroad crossing gate that is closed across the entrance but police cars and other vehicles are driving right through it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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