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Everything posted by Antia

  1. Would that fix the problem? That I am unable to run the HD-one? It is not messed up, and neither it sucks, have you actually played it? I was sold when I played this
  2. I am sorry, I am really bad in that stuff. So I googled for it, and it said: 'AMD Radeon HD 6520G + HD 7450M Dual Graphics - 1024 MB, Core: 700 MHz, Memory: 900 MHz, DDR3-VRAM, Catalyst 12.1 (8.900.7.1000)' I hope you understand it Anyways, the Standard definition is great for me, now I put the map of the HD one in the SD-one and tried it. I missed alot of objects, so I just copied other stuff. I am really curious if it is almost like the HDone
  3. I already figured that out. The SD one works great for me. That's why I want to try the new map, but that one crashes after loading. (From this topic)
  4. Ohh great! Thanks for your help. Will there be a fix for the ''HD-one''? Because I can run it HD, and I would like to play the new map (It is in the HD-version, right?)
  5. Actually, I just downloaded one of the download links, I have no clue what the difference would be between the 'standard' or another one.
  6. It crashes for me. I can get the mod loaded, and I can press the freeplay button and choose the one with the NYPD calls, but when the bar is full-loaded and the map should show up, I get a ctd Also, I can't fill in the poll since I want to have you guys known about my problem, or at least the amount of people who can't play the mod. But I have to fill in all fields, and I am not sure about how the mod is yet, so I will never be able to answer the 2nd question.
  7. Woww, I takes me like 3 hours now to download it, and I am on 0.7 GB of the 1.8GB. My downloadspeed is 63mb per sec. How is this possible? :o
  8. 1. What is wrong with teenagers? They can have good ideas, and some of them are more smart than some adults. 2. I actualy want it straight to the point, Just say no or say yes. It is clear and I am done here. I am no more 'Crying' to do it... Antia
  9. well, They haven't said definitive no. NewfoundKing would do it... But okay I will leave them.
  10. Antia

    [WIP] San Diego

    Nice, Well we are both Dutch so to prevent misunderstandings we better talk Dutch... Dunno if we are supposed to...
  11. well, i have had it also. I posted the mod in the wrong files, You got to post it C:programfilesx86/sixteentonsentertainment/emergency4/mods when the directory doesn't exist, just create one.
  12. Antia

    [WIP] San Diego

    don't take me wrong, with mission I mean like car theft, suicide attempt, car accident in freeplay you get me?
  13. Sure they do, same as I do... but the website is just bad, And I can make it better. (The plant doesn't seem serious)
  14. Antia

    [WIP] San Diego

    You should ask somebody to do it, It would make it more realistic.
  15. Running EM4 as admin or bandicam? I always run EM4 as admin cause it won't work otherwise.
  16. I know that, It would be a great improvement. A good lay-out etc. it will make more people taking you serious.
  17. True... Did not notice that... Maybe you can tell me how I can do that like you have? The banner below your post
  18. For record I use Bandicam, I have downloaded it from the internet. For screenshots I use Prt SC on my keyboard, But I gotta paste it in Paint and save it there.
  19. Antia

    [WIP] San Diego

    If you know a little geographic about the US and San Diego, You know that alot of illegal Mexicans are coming to the US, San Diego is one of the important cities for the mexicans to come because it is easy to cross the border there. My point is: Maybe you should create 'border patrol' and a mission like a group of mexicans is trying to cross the border and you got to arrest them and release them in 'mexico' This should be realistic and it would be nice to have it included. Some pics of san diego border patrolcar: Ford Crown victoria: Another car (I don't know what it is): Their weapons: Heckler & Koch P2000: http://i50.tinypic.com/2hq439j.jpg M14 Rifle: http://i46.tinypic.com/2l9qzj6.jpg And the FN303: http://i48.tinypic.com/2gwhopv.jpg It should be nice if you added this, I don't know your possibilities but it would make your mod pretty good. ~Antia~
  20. Hello guys, There isn't much information about this mod. I actualy would like to have a banner but I can't find it. I have seen the link to your website. It is weebly and also there is a little information. Just a small text and some pictures. But the website is created by Weebly. I have experience with Weebly. If you guys want I could make it better. Tell me when you are interested. ~Antia~
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