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Everything posted by 3m3rg3ncy

  1. Did you not read the title? INDY MOD ONE MAN W.I.P i just started! No just the ATF car and one ambulance
  2. Lucky me i took cops advice and decided to reskin and heres what happened after i edited the ATF car in paint! The cars texture went away completely
  3. Update: Hey guys! i decided for units to take just the la units and give them jackets let me rephrase just the police
  4. funny im doing exactly that!Ok then guys i wanna ask a favor.......Could someone support me? im a kid and this is my first project so i need all the support i could get
  5. So after opening the first post i basically got told by spammers i was on my own and got dumped on a dusty road...so ive decided to make the mod my self. This is probably the biggest computer job in all 13 years of my life...So tell me what you guys think as ill be posting photo soon Thanks: 3m3rg3ncy.
  6. Hi im recruting people to help me do an Indianapolis,IN modification and need help i can send photos of everything to whoever needs them i need lighting Modding Modeling' Texture Artists sound and everything else
  7. Need devs To help with new mod Sanfran mod

  8. Im a lighting guy now.

  9. 1,479 downloads

    emergency 4 updated units V1.2 coming soon!
  10. working on EM3 modification alaska mod need some help cant attach lightbars to my vehicles

  11. working on EM3 modification alaska mod need some help cant attach lightbars to my vehicles

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