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Everything posted by martjuh.denB

  1. but if i save the skin as bmp you can look through it
  2. so what do i have to do now? from bmp to png or dds?
  3. does the skin has to be .dds or png?
  4. i have a model with skin that i want to bring it in-game the model is made by myself if i change the model or make a new one you can see through it how and where can i change this?
  5. i've tryd that but it doesn't help
  6. Hi i'm making models without skin but i want to make and attach the skins to my vehicles if you can learn it to me or you can skin some vehicles i would very appriciate it please message me than ty a lot
  7. if you read the top you can see a link to the downloadcenter or scroll the whole way up en watch at the right top side
  8. if i have a emergency at the hospital what can i do than?
  9. nice bus we have it here in the city as a bus for public transport they are very quite en also big great bus for a ambulance
  10. if you play Winterberg you have a limit after a while there is no water and you need to connect to a pump
  11. Hi i'm looking for somebody that can and wants to skin some vehicles for the Den Bosch mod(Netherlands) message me if you're interrested
  12. i can do translate english dutch
  13. it doesn't matter just translate with the google translater
  14. but how do you than can make animations for vehicles?
  15. where do you can unhack the mod with the view? it's very annoying just to make it back to normal view
  16. does anybody know how you can make animations? do you need a special program or what?
  17. maybe you know it but with the winterberg springbreak mod you can look very close at the vehicles but because you can do that i can't play the mod because it runs to slow does anybody can help me with "unhack" the mods view?
  18. click the whole time on the snow button
  19. do you have some blueprints of the cars?
  20. if i click on the download it says it doesn't exist
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