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  1. Where can I find information on the 2.1 mod. It seems mine doesn't work or something. When I orignally installed it everything worked perfect except I couldn't keep the FF from leaving vehicle when returning to station. Now none of the vehicles have commands. ie. return to base, empty, lights. anything like that. Are there any patches I'm just too stupid to find?
  2. Would love to download this since I worked for Cataldo EMS. So awesome man!
  3. I tried opening this file with the modinstaller but it doesn't recognize the package and says it's not a valid package....... I'm a newbie to this so if someone could help me out I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
  4. Hey guys I'm sorry but I saw the 2.5 LA Mod and you need to use the modinstaller.....I just found this little gem of a game, and I have no idea how to use it. Excuse for the noobness. If anyone could point in the right direction or maybe write up quick instructions. Thanks alot guys really like everything, I was playing the Farming Simulator and there are TONS of mods for that game, but I would much rather like to play this since I'm a paramedic in real-life anyways. Thanks in advance.
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