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Hi everyone, Recently re bought Emergency 3 and installed it on 2 different computers. First one a Dell second one a MSI gaming computer. No problem with running the actually vanilla game looks great with new GFX cards... But the Mod installer doesn't work. Says it isn't installed correctly and please re install. Now I have read through the form and tried multiple ways of editing my Registry which was the previous fix but to no avail. I bought it from amazon. I have tried running it as an admin, windows xp mode, regedit(ing) it etc etc etc.... Nothing seems to work. Also tried to download the pre made regedit fix on this website but still nothing. So First, off anyone know of a way to fix it? If no, has anyone or can someone... use the mod installer (if it works for them) to install the mod, then zip the unpacked mod files and upload that to this website... Would it then be possible to just copy and paste to get the mod to work... that is the LA mod for Emergency 3 that I am trying to get. Alternatively... I could really care less about the base vehicles... is there a way to replace the vehicle skins, and data of the original game file to reflect the LA mod vehicles? Thanks for any and all help. Side note... this is my first time back to the form in about 8 years... Apparently i forgot my old user name. I was CrazyLion425 and posted the original fix for this back in 2007... has it really been almost 10 years! Edit #1: I have reached out to strategy First yesterday but so far nothing from them.
Because I haven't had enough problems and fun... So from the above posts I made I got the mod to work... in fact it worked great. Until today. So once I got it working a few weeks back I played it a bunch, but then got busy and work got in the way. Today finally had some time to play it again and well yeah... Load the mod just like normal, no problem. Went to play the Freeplay map, loaded that... There is when the problem happened. The map is gone. Everything but the map is there. All that shows up is the blank grid like what you would see in the Editor. All the units, commands, Mini Map, pull down task list... all there. Map gone. So i tried to call a unit I could call it but it never came up. So after that happened I uninstalled the mod. shut down my computer and re installed the mod. No luck same problem map is missing. just the Grid. HELP HELP HELP! Let me know what other info you need. To the best of my knowledge I changed nothing in the game since I played and it worked last. And FYI I tried to load the map that normally comes with the game freeplay map... Works perfectly. thanks in advance.
I'm missing my mod installer
bjfgoose replied to AutumnPeirson_14931's topic in Technical Related Support
I would somehow contact gamefly and get a refund because its BS that there copy is incomplete. -
I'm missing my mod installer
bjfgoose replied to AutumnPeirson_14931's topic in Technical Related Support
GameFly's download file does NOT include the Mod installer. I do not think there is anything you can do at all to "get" the mod installer from gamefly. What I said in the earlier post is what you have to do if you want to get the mod installer to work. Again GAMEFLY sucks! I had the same problem. I spent the 20 dollars twice so I can play mods. It wasn't what I wanted to do but I wanted to play the mods and it was the only way I could get it to work. -
I'm missing my mod installer
bjfgoose replied to AutumnPeirson_14931's topic in Technical Related Support
I had the game in the wizard work folder and once i did the mod installer fix it acted as if it worked perfectly fine. But if I tried to install any mod it would not install the mod it would come back with a corrupt file error. When I re installed the game and put it in the sixteen ton folder every mod installed without any errors. This was my experience, if it works in wizard works for you keep it then. It didn't work for me. -
I'm missing my mod installer
bjfgoose replied to AutumnPeirson_14931's topic in Technical Related Support
That is what I am telling you. The game from Gamefly does not have the mod installer. Hence get the game from amazon. -
I'm missing my mod installer
bjfgoose replied to AutumnPeirson_14931's topic in Technical Related Support
Hope this helps. your pretty screwed when it comes to gamefly. It sucks see below: Alright... So here is the solution. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this mod. The problem is with the game. So if you can not get the NY mod to install or any other mod for that matter you need to do the following. 1. Uninstall all MODS, Saved games, anything from 911 First responders - Start from scratch 2. Re download the game from Amazon. _ Do not use gamelfy, Atari.com or any other website - These might work, but this is how it worked for me. 3. Once the game has downloaded to your computer start the install 4. It will ask you where you want to install the game. DO NOT install the game in the default wizardworks folder. DO NOT DO IT! 5. Change the directory path to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\ 6. Install the game in that directory and continue. 7. Once installed - Your Mod installer & editor will not work. You still have more to work on. 8. In the start menu under the search tab type: regedit 9. Your computers regiter editor will open. Be very careful because if you edit the wrong things... you can screw up your computer. 10. Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > sixteen tons entertainment > Emergency 4 11. If the last part "sixteen tons software isn't already there create it. I should be there. 12. In that folder that might or might not be a file call InstallDir. If it is already there open it. 13. Change the path to: C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4 14. In my case it had the path at C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4 _ THIS IS WRONG! 15. Once that is changed exit the Reg Editor. 16. Mod installer should now work when you click on it. Download whatever mod you want and use the Mod installer to install it. 17. That fixed the problem. NY mod works for me now. The most important part is the game MUST be installed in: C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\ I hope this helps everyone. I figured this out between reading a bunch of different threads on this site. There wasn't one that had the whole process. To fix the "missing editor" 1. Make a shortcut to the EM4.exe file on your desktop 2. Right click and open up the properties 3. in the line that sais TARGET change it to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Em4.exe" -editor4. 4. Rename the short cut to EM4 Editor so you don't get confused. 5. Use the short cut and your in the editor. -
Alright I am at the frustrated beyond belief state. When I Launch the game in the lower left corner is says v1.3f - fr So I think that would be a yes. I did exactly what you said in the above post. Delete the mods, the game, the install file, restarted the computer. Next I re-downloaded the game. Installed it in C:\Program Files (x86)\WizardWorks Install worked and then I started the game confirmed that that works. It did. Next I sent and edited the regedit file on my computer since the Mod install said game not installed correctly (same problem others have said on this site) Did the fix that was described on another thread. This: http://forum.emergen...rs-from-amazon/ Once i did that it worked so I can use the Mod installer. Then I download the NY Mod to my desktop and then tried to install it using the Mod installer. As soon as I double click on the file it pops up a window that says "Mod package is corrupt" Once I click on ok since that is my only option it closes. I go into the Mod folder and the NY mod Folder has been created but it has nothing in it. That is what it has done every time. Any ideas would be great. After one last try i fixed. it I will explain the correct way tomorrow please make sure to tag or post or something to this because it will contain a combination of issues that make this actually work. Alright... So here is the solution. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this mod. The problem is with the game. So if you can not get the NY mod to install or any other mod for that matter you need to do the following. 1. Uninstall all MODS, Saved games, anything from 911 First responders - Start from scratch 2. Re download the game from Amazon. _ Do not use gamelfy, Atari.com or any other website - These might work, but this is how it worked for me. 3. Once the game has downloaded to your computer start the install 4. It will ask you where you want to install the game. DO NOT install the game in the default wizardworks folder. DO NOT DO IT! 5. Change the directory path to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\ 6. Install the game in that directory and continue. 7. Once installed - Your Mod installer & editor will not work. You still have more to work on. 8. In the start menu under the search tab type: regedit 9. Your computers regiter editor will open. Be very careful because if you edit the wrong things... you can screw up your computer. 10. Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > sixteen tons entertainment > Emergency 4 11. If the last part "sixteen tons software isn't already there create it. I should be there. 12. In that folder that might or might not be a file call InstallDir. If it is already there open it. 13. Change the path to: C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4 14. In my case it had the path at C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4 _ THIS IS WRONG! 15. Once that is changed exit the Reg Editor. 16. Mod installer should now work when you click on it. Download whatever mod you want and use the Mod installer to install it. 17. That fixed the problem. NY mod works for me now. The most important part is the game MUST be installed in: C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\ I hope this helps everyone. I figured this out between reading a bunch of different threads on this site. There wasn't one that had the whole process. To fix the "missing editor" 1. Make a shortcut to the EM4.exe file on your desktop 2. Right click and open up the properties 3. in the line that sais TARGET change it to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Em4.exe" -editor4. 4. Rename the short cut to EM4 Editor so you don't get confused. 5. Use the short cut and your in the editor.
Update for people who want to download the game from a legal website... DO NOT USE Gamefly.com The version they sell has no Mod installer at all. Good thing I apparently knew this back when i first download the game, because I apparently also bought the game on amazon.com. Downloading that one now! Lets see if it works.
It is a 100% legal copy of the game. I originally bought it from Direct2Drive.com which was bought by Gamefly.com which currently sucks but that is a different story. Just as bad as the Atari download. Oh and I have downloaded the Mod using Google chrome, Firefox and even internet explorer. Each one when trying to install it into the mod installer came back with corrupt. I have not tried to uninstall everything including the game, which I will do tonight. I hope that will work. The reason I haven't posted the exact verbatim error information on what the error is, was because it has already been told many time on this site and in fact a few pages back on this thread But every solution that I have seen has either worked for only a few people(not me) or have just been ignored. I figured since it has been brought up before I would have been wasting my time readdressing it word for word again. However, I will give it by best shot and uninstall and re-install the entire thing tonight, and if it doesn't work I will then give you a very detailed version of the problem. Thanks for your help, I will let you know how it goes. I might just say screw it and but a hard copy from amazon.
Yeah... thanks for the tip but I did exactly what he said to do and it didn't work. thanks.
anyway I can get a copy of the mod that isn't packed... So I can just copy the folder and all the files into my mod folder?
So I did as you said. Still when I open it with the installer it says corrupt. It makes the game folder then says its corrupt I am so frustrated right now!
Can anyone help? Yes it is a legal copy bought it from Atari. Please help I really want to try this mod!
So I just downloaded and installed this mod. Opened up up the game and loaded the mod. Once I tried to play the freeplay map crashed to the desktop. I have an intel graphic set. So is there no way to get this work on my computer?