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Everything posted by Handsup!

  1. The police officers appear to be towering over the station van in that pic, is that just me? O.o
  2. ^^, you have no right to complain; a mod could be an absolute pile of **** and you wouldn't be able to complain, since you're not paying anything. There are no expectations mod creators should reach. They do this of their own free will. If you'd like to step up, donate hundreds of hours of your life to modelling and scripting with crappy remarks like the ones you make in return, then please, go ahead. I understand you want to play this and so do I and it'd be great if it was updated weekly with new stuff but that isn't the case unfortunately. :/
  3. I would imagine that is quite easy, if it acts as a door
  4. Looks good, shame you can't release. The main thing that puts me off playing London Mod is the lack of Return to Base and limited water supply. Not to mention that bug with the fast changing traffic lights that I can't be bothered to fix... XD
  5. if you've installed the new supervisor files before, then just bring up the file it came in, and take a look where it goes. What I mean is, open the zip, and in the zip will be Data > Etc Etc
  6. Jesus. I agree with you though; the reason reskins are popular is because mods with new models (a famous example being RCMP mod) take a while and impatience grows.
  7. I don't think the police cars carry such a thing around here
  8. Of course, I wouldn't even know how to do a siren script. I mainly stick with basic C languages
  9. Rookie mistake, always close your parenthesis
  10. Interesting to see your first work
  11. He's coming to eat up all the bad guys
  12. If you want to change the models of a certain unit, you can replace the .v3o of the unit and then tweak the model a bit in the editor (there's rough tutorials on this) However, if you're changing something like a firefighter, sometimes it's easier just to retexture
  13. What do you mean? As in, you want to replace a vehicle?
  14. Hey guys, quick question, if I'm experiencing random CTDs when running some commands, is it worth reinstalling the mod?
  15. Those HART medics look like they've both been on the job too long and just had to relieve themselves there and then Gimme gimme gimme this mod right now tho plz
  16. ^^, mod installer can be buggy, as seen from digital download versions of the game. But it'll run fine, I used to run Fallout 3 from an external HDD.
  17. Brilliant modelling there, you've got some talent
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