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Everything posted by Handsup!

  1. So, do you play as officer models and RP in multiplayer with chasing suspects, or what? Just simplify, hehe
  2. And how would you go about recreating the Emergency Services in PS3? (Interested in the clan)
  3. Does anyone here play multiplayer LCPD:FR?

    1. Brandweer_Rilland


      Yeah i but unistalled because it crashes everytime but i you want to play just pm me

    2. Handsup!
    3. RYAN433PK
  4. The post above. We must be careful, redistribution is involved with credits and the author. I believe private distribution is allowed only (Two friends may play multiplayer, creating their own custom design)
  5. Me too, he needs to take his time on concentrating on one mod/life, rather than trying to combine the two under pressure.
  6. While setting up a 'Police Fun Day' decoration for the LA Mod map, i noticed a Civil NPC by the name of 'The Mysterious V Man' I opened it up, he appeared to be a man in a brown suit. Anyone know who this is?
  7. I completely forgot this was released, my PC will probably handle it, if it does, i'll look into obtaining it.
  8. I also go with small airport terminal, or perhaps trains, etc.
  9. I'd like to see more medical aid, and the vehicles to be less cartoony. Some of them were terrible, and i'd also like to see more police events, and negotiating/mediating have a wider range of oppurtunities.
  10. Do you think people should be allowed to defend themselves against burglars?

    1. Greenkeeper


      Yes, Offcourse, If the intruder gets Shot/Stabbed/Hit, Its his own fault, People should get their hands off of other's stuff.

    2. Todd15


      Make my day law

    3. met police999

      met police999

      well in the UK the law states that you can as long as the force used against the intruder is not greater than them

  11. Try converting sirens videos from youtube, and placing them in the the sirens folder as siren 5 i think. EDIT: I'll be damned, 200th post.
  12. Brilliant Civil Guard vehicles, but try and edit posts instead of triple post, the community tends to dislike messy 1+ posts. (Against rules)
  13. Try asking the Manhattan Mod team, they edited the fire time.
  14. I played Road Sim, the gameplay would be good but i spent 10 mins laying cones. And Voodoo, some of them, particularly HAZMAT sounds interesting. Also don't forget we're the ones posting fap.jpg on videos of fire trucks responding to an MVA in a game no one knows, lol.
  15. http://www.emergency...aseItem&id=1080 This is insane. Why, why, would anyone ruin the Emergency 4 engine and use it for this, monstrosity. Diarrhea simulator...Ugh. But, i also found some gems that i can't see on the EMP forums, or at least English section. I found little scripting gems, such as Ice Mod. Ice mod puts you in the situation of a plane crash survivor. This mod makes use of the EM4 engine to create a brilliant mod. http://www.emergency...aseItem&id=1082 is the link to Ice Mod. I also found this: http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=802 This is an improved version of Emergency 4, the units are updated and many new added, to bring about the realism EM4 should have been shipped with. http://www.emergency...em&id=1095?? And Polen Modifikation, a nice Poland mod that has a variety of units. I'm sorry if everybody knows these, and everyone who has an EMP account has a EMF.de account, i just wanted to share these
  16. Awesome, i finally have a joystick. FlightGear, anyone?

  17. LCPD:FR for GTA IV is the best mod i've seen for any game in a while. Pulling over people in a ANRP Interceptor-Pure Awesome.

  18. Perhaps set up a nicer clan page, then you'll get more people, as Ridder said, it's too simple.
  19. Anyone willing to post a pic, or shall I put one up?
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