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Everything posted by Handsup!

  1. When you say you make both doesn't that mean you only make don't actually only take requests for RCMP? I ban you for having a strange name
  2. That situation probably wouldn't rise, you don't risk civilians safety. Ever.
  3. Thats dangerous, why would you have only back lights on. You're not at all visible from the people who are supposed to be moving out your way, who are notified by the blue lights..
  4. British cars are underpowed light wise. Barely any 360 illumination Example i saw a unmarked car the other with ONLY back blue lights. No lights were visible in the front, it looked normal
  5. I actually live in Staffordshire i found out,,,
  6. I ban you because your name is Tom
  7. I wouldn't trust this guy, he has been spamming me (And i'm guessing other users) with multiplayer requests
  8. Hate British unmarked cars. Hate hate hate hate
  9. I ban you because you say you're only making USA vehicles but in fact only make Canadian vehicles
  10. N00bing target how did you recolour the white lines that come on the vanilla la mod car? Is there a tool in Photoshop?
  11. I do know its redirectionals. It just looked strange. I'm guessing i can't vote for myself? Haha Also please cut the sarcasm
  12. Nice unit! But why is there like a yellow bit on the back of the lightbar?
  13. Serious injuries? I wouldn't tackle someone if they would have that. He may be a robber but take into account he should at least be considered safety-wise. Perhaps a taser?
  14. I'm guessing the only place for taking pictures of awesome cars is London? I just bought a new camera and want to take pics of cool cars
  15. I ban you for being mad about 999.
  16. GTA III? Won't the sound quality be terrible?
  17. Lol every post matthew makes is a question. Anyways, you just copy the script into Specs>Game>whatever until you see a bunch of files.
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