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Everything posted by Handsup!

  1. There's one in development/concept. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19421-concept-northview-paramedics/
  2. They do look goofy yeah. But practical.
  3. That picture looks awesome! As for the GPU... well, I think I'll be okay since a new R9 285 is always a possibility for christmas!
  4. Interesting design on the second, it's huge!
  5. You can actually get several mods that add: Coroner K9 patrols And the newer version (LCPDFR 1.0) involves taking them to custody, etc.
  6. We have a team of around 10 overweight security guards whose main duties are to enforce campus ID badges. I suppose it'd stop any flow of unruly characters provided they didn't leave one of the entrances completely exposed.
  7. Looks... unrealistic... oh God, I hope it doesn't take the same mega unrealistic approach as vanilla EM4.
  8. No problem! They're in the bottom right of the menu of the personnel,
  9. Bloody chavs on the last pic... XD Looking great!
  10. I don't think the mods/sixteen ton entertainment's lawyer team would approve of charging for DLC! Can't wait. This mod is a real game changer
  11. *jaw drop* Looks. AWESOME! So much detail... Willworth for the town?
  12. Lookin' good. Is it fictional or real or both?
  13. I was only joking haha, the London Mod is one of my favourites. UK mods are rare and London Mod has enough of a variety to keep me entertained. Anyhow, double yellow lines!
  14. Woohoo! I can't wait for the London Mod killer (ooo controversial )
  15. Well, loads of us always have the Norway Mod in our game, so a secondary topic could be opened containing several verified links, for example?
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