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Estonia Veteran

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About Estonia Veteran

  • Birthday 03/15/1992

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  1. I startedproject Esstoniamod

  2. I got thiis game, very realistic grafhics and movements, and much more. Very soon I post videos and make the server
  3. Youcan configure your 911 config fle, what been in main folder the em4.cfg <var name="e4_shadow" value="0" /> <var name="e4_fakeshadow" value="0" /> If you dont understand, I upload the file, if you want ? Rescue Team !
  4. Ok,I will check and yes I know but good luck Manhattan team ! If need any pc tehnic, PM me, maybe we can talk together.
  5. Hey ! Welcome to forum, you need update emrgency to 1.3 patch, I think this lasst patch have, I think need patch to 3.0, because 2.3.3 have lots bugs, If you have problem again, Download Teamwiever and I can help you, but if you dont want this way, PM you skype name to me or start peivate consvertation, Manhattan 3.0 can download this forum ! I check aftermoon or night, why this patch give errors.
  6. Hey ! Good mod, but if somebody want download all reguired files, PM me, I will make FTP server to files, just PM me ! If and who have problem connecting to servera, PM me Rescue Team !
  7. Yes, good idea, but you you got good pc knowledge ? If not I can help you making teamspeak seerver, if you want, just PM peivate conversation, I talk forum admins !
  8. You have 911 FR or Emergency 4 ? If you want disk copies, talk me, I got 911 Fr, if you want, but PM me private ok, if you want more help ! Also try ebay.com, maybe ! Good Luck ! We're team, who come rescue !
  9. Nope you dont need Em2012 for Em2013, I hope you read my previous correctly, I hope you uderstood ! Say Again, Welcome to forum We are Team, who come rescue !
  10. Welcome to forum ! No Emergency 2012 Deluxe is expansion pack, yes tou can buy together or not. Emergency 2013 is like updgrade to emergency 2012, this mean Emergency 2013 is next to Emergency 2012, I check later if I get time, how much Emergency 2012 Deluxe pay. We are team, who come rescue !
  11. Your are welcome, good know if you get worked. If want play sometime online,PM me If you need any hellp,you can call me or create the post. Some day maybe I make Hamachi server, maybe ! Any peoblem get answer !
  12. Hey ! Weelcome to forum ! Yes you can save game with mod, but you have open savegame in LA mod. If you have problemms PM me ok.
  13. Maybe set Alt button to mosewheel3 or something like that in Control Panel. Game doesnt detect correctly the mouse, I got this problem year ago, I reset mouse driver and I reconfigure mousebuttons, I put game to other pc what have USB mouse. You are PS/2 mouse, right ? If you want more zoomed camera, pm me
  14. If need help setting up teamspeak server, PM me, I am PC tehnic. Tell mme, you want ventrillo or what ? I hace fre pc,, where I can start teamspeak server You can PM me
  15. Hey ! I put my 911 - First Responders config here: http://www.upload.ee/files/2963606/em4.cfg.html Put this 911-First Responders main folder I hope this will help you, if not, send PM me.
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