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  1. Im sorry, im confused (new to forums of any type) what is triple posting and whats wrong with it? dont mean to sound rude or anything
  2. Ok, I got it. Since Manhattan Mod is basic a massive submod of LA, i was able to simply replace the map file with that of fd command. and i was trying for hours to move files all over. theres not a whole lot of traffic though, and i want to make it seem like NYC. can i do that? thanks for your help, i love the new map. and theres no lag!!
  3. I moved protos and models and units and just merged them together, but all the manhattan mod vehicles come out as a blue cube that says missing modelfile. is there a quickfix for this? thanks
  4. Thanks, im going to try that right now
  5. Hey, ive heard that many people with intel graphics cards are also experincing this issue, and, having an intel, so have I. the manhattan mod ( v1.00 and V2.0.1 and 2.0.3 ) crash when i try to load freeplay. now, i can play missions just fine with all the units and they really are great, but freeplay i can drag on forever and do what i want. and i came up with this idea in the middle of a game last night. if i can switch the freeplay map, and still have all the units, how would i do that? i was looking to use woods map from fd command mod, which is great by the way. what files would i need to move over from that mod and in what fashion? thanks
  6. Ok, I uninstalled EM4 and bombed the directory and that seemed to work. Thanks!
  7. OK, ill give that a shot tomorrow, thanks again for replying so quickly
  8. thanks for replying, and i tried loading the la mod with no subs, but same result. ive tweaked with the settings on some vehicles myself and didnt realize what it would do if i applied settings to all protos, so now my screen is filled with red dots. is there any way to wipe that clean and start fresh? ive tried to uninstall the mod, but that dosent work. thanks
  9. I just got bored of the new la mod map, and while it is awesome and all, i want to see what magic hoppah has done on the original map. i go into the batch file and it seems to do it correctly, indicating that 4 files have been transferred, but when i load the mod, it has the original map in the little corner display screen thing, but the new map to play on. i was wondering if anyone else ran into this same problem, and yes, i have tried reinstalling with the "load new la mod map as default map" unchecked. if anyone has come across a fix for this, it would be greatly appreiciated if you could share it thanks in advance
  10. Happened to me once, maybe try to use safari, or take a look into your security settings on your security program
  11. go to its location in the c-drive. it should be there under editor or something similar
  12. u might also want to move the mod file straight into the mod-installer icon in the emergency 4 directory in your c: drive
  13. download WINRAR[ just type it into your search engine] and it will make all the files into a downloadable state. courtesy of another user whose name i cant remember:)
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