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About USAR

  • Birthday September 27

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  1. This is against the tos. when you joined you agreed to abide by them. Asking for the release date could get you banned don't do it again!
  2. yep like the standard 1 meter traffic cones or the 750cm cones
  3. Is it possible to have some more cone shaped cones?
  4. Iv done the police but i carnt get the peds to come out with them.
  5. yep I'm having the Same problem with non la personnel.
  6. All police vehicles are on the callout menu with equipment and the arv's have swat officers assigned.
  7. Soon I'm going to upload a video to youtube of the armed police on callout menu
  8. Will it be possible to make a alpaca farm on the new map ((I love alpacas))
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