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  1. My game is the UK version, as when i downloaded it it already included the modinstaller, and, yes, i have tried those instructions. I don't suppose you'd be able to download the emergency 3 london mod, install it then send me the folders if you have emergency 3? I would love to play the london mod, but since the modinstaller isn't working i can't open .e3mod files, so i need the mod folder itself, i.e the "london mod" folder with all of the mod files inside it in their respective subfolders. If you have the game and could do this for me it would be greatly appreciated, if you can't do you know if there's anyway of converting an emergency 4 mod to work with emergency 3. I would purchase emergency 4 but it is ridiculously difficult to buy in the UK. I can find 911 first responders for download on amazon but am unsure if emergency 4 mods will work with it, also the reviews state that the download includes a corrupted version of the mod installer which is the same problem i encountered with emergency 3 download, and i did purchase this legally.
  2. Hi.. Since i am unable to get the emergency 3 modinstaller to work, i was wondering, does anyone have a copy of the folders used in the london mod. I would be able to install the london mod if it gave me the folders, however the download only includes a .e3mod file which i can't open due to the mod installer not working. If i anyone can email the folders to billys1995@ymail.com it would be greatly appreciated, alternatively, i was wondering if instead of actually installing the mod, i could just replace the london vehicles and uniforms, in .dds format with the default ones in game. If anyone knows if this is possible a reply is appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
  3. I've tried deleting all the checked files in the registry cleaner, and re-installing, the game works fine, but the mod installer still won't open. I'm getting the same error, i've tried installing it in different locations and applying the registry fix to both local machine and current user and it's made no difference.
  4. Also having this issue. A Registry cleaner program seems to find the issue on my system is a Missing MUI Reference. As shown below.
  5. So i tried the program, and it didn't seem to make a difference, however i found some key points in the ccleaner program, it states that the files needed for the modinstaller.exe are missing/cannot be found, i am attaching a printscreen for this below.
  6. Thank you for the assistance, i have re-tried this registry edit multiple times and it is to no avail. I will try CC cleaner tomorrow as it is late. Thank you.
  7. I'm still getting this issue after trying the registry edit in both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Any suggestions?
  8. So i've been wanting to get this fixed for some time now, i purchased a legal digital download of the game from gamersgate a while back. After completing the campaign I tried installing mods, only to find the mod installer doesn't work, it gives, "Emergency 3 is not properly installed, please re-install" every time, i have tried contacting strategy first support and their support reps told me i had to install to C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Emergency 3 for the game to work correctly, however i have tried reinstalling the game to this location and it is to no avail. I currently have the game installed in this location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Strategy First\Emergency 3 I'm running a 64-bit version of Windows 7 and i have tried the registry edit for both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. This has still not resolved the problem. I've included a printscreen of the two registry keys i've added incase i've incorrectly named the registry keys during the fix. If anyone could tell me how to install mods without the installer, i'm also looking to install the london mod, i am unsure if this is available to download without being in .e3mod format, which i am unable to install due to the installer not functioning correctly. Any suggestions are appreciated, and thank you in advance HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
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