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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. You can download it for $3 from Amazon.com it goes by the name 911 First Responders, its just a different name for the same game.
  2. I was just curious to see if it was a certification or what.
  3. Just out of curiosity what is a "Advanced First Aider"? Or how would that translate into North American.
  4. This is looking very good. You have accomplished more, faster than most other mods I watch. Very impressive, can't wait for it to be released!
  5. U.K. Ministry of Defense Police Nuclear convoy security
  6. My mistake, Big Tancook Island Emergency Respose Association is the new name. Sheila Christian Emergency Response Association was the old name. Apparently. It is a medical transport unit used for moving patients around Tancook Island.
  7. Sheila Christian Emergency Response Association Medical Transport Unit
  8. They look nice. But can you make the pictures a little biger/better? Just sayin.
  9. The mission is bomb goes off in busy shopping area right? You should have the rescue dog, look again. Its under EMS.
  10. Nice motorboat! It is nice to see something besides a zodiac for the mobile boat unit. Keep up the good work.
  11. FYI nobody is going to make a mod for you, I see that you have some "very basic" modding experience so I wold put that to work and make a few samples (reskins or models). Their are plenty of tutorials on the site to teach you to mod better. No one will join a mod until they see that it has some potential.
  12. This must be what I saw. I could have sworn it was just OSHP, not motor carrier enforcement.(it was with a OSHP unit on a traffic stop) Sorry
  13. I see i did not see the numbers. It make sense now.
  14. Goodness! How can you tell one RAF SAR helicopter at one base from another?
  15. After looking at you FB page again i noticed that non of your Ohio Highway Patrol cars have all red lights, will you be adding any? I assume the red lights are less common than the blue lights.
  16. Just a suggestion but you could work on the mod and release it with you base units and then make extra unit packs for the additional units that some members would like, I know the Ravenna sub mod is doing the same.
  17. The light bar looks good. Will it look as good close up? Not that I doubt your work but when I got the camera hack i was annoyed to see how many of the lights on many units did not look as good.
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