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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. It looks wonderful. Do Canadians really stick their flags on everything in the world? I notice the maple leaf on all of your engines and wonder. I know Americans do it a lot but jeez. Still it looks wonderful, you continue to do good work.
  2. Sorry if this has already been asked, but is this mod in English?
  3. By all means take your time. Is a Beta release still in the plan?
  4. I believe helijumper was doing somesort of volunteer scripts with his mod before it died. That would be really cool but would probably require to much scripting and crash to often to be fesable. Shame
  5. I noticed that it saws "volunteer" on the rescue, are you doing anythng special to make the department a volunteer departmnet (POVs respond to station scripts or something) ?
  6. What's with the Canadian, U.S, and Australian flags? Looks nice by the way.
  7. Nice. Thanks for answering.
  8. I think you shold probably learn to mod. No one will join a team if they have to do all the work. Go to the tutorials section and learn how to resking and moddel and then comeback and show people soe examples of your work. Everyone is already busy on their own mods are are not going to make a mod for you. Sorry.
  9. Looks nice. What still has to be done?
  10. Difficult would be the right term. However I doubt that anyone here would get to offended, most people on here are just kids without a good grasp of world events and anyway the matter of Irish independence or lack their of was/is being settled democratically, "The Troubles" are over, despite recent stirrings Ireland is still a mainly peaceful nation and IRA bombs are very rare since the official IRA disbanded (their are still some crazy wackos out there but still)
  11. Anyway "Doctor Cooper" I believe it is your turn.
  12. EMR 1. C spine/neck brace, usually as a precaution but you should always be very careful with neck injuries. 2. Fluids (Gatorade, water) I go to a lot of people who are just to exhausted/dehydrated to keep hiking, the usually perk up fast with some fluid. 3.02, except in a few rare cases applying oxygen doesn't hurt a patient and in some cases can really help stabilize someone quickly. 4. Gloves/PPE (should probably be number 1) Always put protective equipment on, the last thing you want to do is get something like HIV from someone. 5. Pads and wraps, always useful to contain bleeding (although in a average emergency the external bleeding is not what kills you and if it is it will happen quickly and their is not to much that can be done) Hope this helps.
  13. Sounds like a good location for a mod. I believe that someone did a Dublin mod its in the downloads section. Do you have the skills needed to create this mod or are you just offering a idea to any random modder.
  14. The emergency lights depends mainly on where the emergency is, for example if it is on a busy highway where warning oncoming vehicles is a priority most emergency vehicles wold have their lights on but if is a emergency where the lights are not needed anymore like a house fire they might turn the lights off. It really depends on the firefighter as to weather they switch the lights off or not after arriving.
  15. Yup. All the national parks have designations for their fire vehicles Yellowstone's happens to be YNP, The Type is 3 the NPS, USFS, BLM, FWS and BIA all use the type 1-6 designation this is a widland fire engine. Anyway nicely done your turn.
  16. Noooo It was not easy. I had to Google Netherlands fire trucks and go from there it took me a while luckily I am a good at picking out pictures quickly so I just scrolled down for a long time. Anyway this next one should be pretty hard if you are not from America but their is a trick that I expect you all to pick up on fast. I want the agency (easy) the location (hard) and the type (hard), I'll take 2/3 if you just can't find the other one.
  17. Here are some examples of minor calls Panic attack -Calm person down (perhaps like the suicidal person in LCPDFR) Person seriously dehydrated -Give person fluids orally if able if not take person to hospital and administer IV Non critical cut, stabbing -Bandage cut depending on size. small cut-large band aid, large cut- a pad wrapped with gauze. For most non transport calls the family member or victim just wants a second opinion on how serious it is. Head injury This call may require transport, you don't mess around with head and neck injuries. First you would set the person down and check for concussion, test their responses and check for shock if all are negative escort the person to a capable family member and leave him/her in their care. If the person has a concussion, is impaired or goes into shock transport to the hospital for observation. Hope this helps.
  18. Not very realistic though, one of the best things going for this mod is the realism and I have yet to see a house fire that could be adequately handled with just one engine and a ladder.
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