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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Nice Humvees, have you added any other upgraded military units like a deuce and a half supply truck or something like that? Not that their is much call for the National Guard in a small Montana town but it would still be cool to have to option. Since their are already hummers why not?
  2. Yeah I saw that sorry. I assume that means you have fixed the limited water supply issue And while I think the stations (especially police) are a little to large I think this is a good mod and if you can make it like a combination department with volunteers and careers that would be great. I will of course support your mod and if you need help with something that does not take any skill let me know. Good luck
  3. Fred03


    The community currently lacks a good rural mod. Small town with a volunteer department and such. Most of the mods that are supposed to be like that either die or the creators just keep adding more stuff so they lose the small town look. This type of mod would only work well if you had some VFD scripts as well. ( I have always wanted to play a mod like this as I live in a rural area, problem is I don't know how to mod and I don't have time to learn. I would be happy to help with pictures or concept ideas but hey who wouldn't?)
  4. Then I stand corrected. Are you going to add any new scripts like POVs responding to station, drop ponds or anything to reinforce the volunteer concept?
  5. I understand, then are you going to make it volunteerish? Like have POVs respond to the station (although that would take a lot of modding) perhaps just POVs on the map that can patrol or something. And this is just my humble opinion but it might be more realistic to have several smaller stations each with 1 tanker seems like 3 in a station is a bit extreme.
  6. Hey I'm not trying to cause trouble or anything but it strikes me as unlikely that a city large enough to have a full time fire department and hazmat would have tankers. If the city was that large it would have hydrants. If it was a rural volunteer fire department it would be far more likely. Still looks like a great mod though.
  7. Fred03

    PRP Mod

    Welcome the the forum! I understand that you are new here but if the mod has been last updated on January 21, 2012 its probably pretty dead and you reopened a dead topic. Hopefully because you are new the moderators will have mercy on your soul.
  8. Watching the updates in the mods around the forum today has made me realize that we have come a long way as a community in terms of skill and craftsmanship since the beginning when Hoppah said “let their be the LA mod, and it was” Keep up the good work everyone!

  9. Glad you got the CTD fixed, shame you had to reduce the quality though. However I doubt it will make much of a difference for game play and for people with weak computers it will be a very good thing. Its really nice t hear that the mod progressing toward release.
  10. Nice, good work on the mod. Its also good to see a Land Management Agency vehicle.
  11. I actually agree with you on this one, it seems that you could not fit as much equipment into them and they just look ridiculous. Still a great job on the lighting and skin, even if I don't like the unit in real life I can appreciate the RCMP mods team excellent work.
  12. Wonderful news! I wish I could help, keep up the great work and I look forward to a release. And a new map would be great but just different units and scripts would be more than fine.
  13. So are we going to see any of these models or lights popping up in the Anchorage mod now the the Ravenna mod is nearing completion?
  14. Nice to know. Keep up the good work!
  15. I just wanted to compliment you on a great mod, its nice to take a break from the LA mod to play something a little more "exotic". I think the biggest thing that could be added would be stations. I generally put all the units from a certain station at the station but a return command would be nice. Still a great mod and keep up the good work.
  16. What he said. And good luck.
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