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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. A moderate (say 30mph in real life) variation would be fine. I know that in most parts of the US emergency vehicles are limited to 15-20 mph over the speed limit although their are exceptions. It seems unlikely that a charger in a mixed urban/suburban area would reach such speeds between calls. Still it would be pretty cool to see.
  2. Nice BCAS charger. Will it be able to go significantly faster than the ambulances? I know the LA mod had variations in unit speeds but it seems like they could have been improved.
  3. Looks nice! Are you planning on changing the light bar style?
  4. They all look nice, although it seems like a city the size of Rockport would not have to worry with brush fires. Doesn't Natural Resources Canada deal with wildfires? I'm not Canadian so I'm not sure what their answer the the USFS is. Still great units, especially the rescue crane, and its nice to see a new bomb squad truck.
  5. Ya know their is a edit button so you don't have to apologize for caps, you can fix them. EDIT: Or a backspace button
  6. The American media is generally very hesitant about showing "graphic" images. Foreign new channels like RT and CCTV are a lot more graphic in general as they show it "how it is" you have to be ready for it however, its not for the weak of heart or stomach however the real world is a bloody nasty place.
  7. I'm still looking for a spinoff of EMERGENCY! called Sierra, set in a fictional national park and was cancelled after 1 season. I can find bits of it on YouTube but I can't find complete episodes or a DVD version of it anywhere.
  8. Yeah if you are feeling lazy send some SWAT guys with assault rifles and kill them all. Then bring in a Mass Casualty Ambulance and take them away.
  9. Good luck. Its great to see another American mod in the works. I have a question though, is it a strictly Las Vegas mod or a Vegas Area (surrounding counties) mod. And why Washoe County? Las Vegas is in Clark County.
  10. Good start, still needs work of course. I would take a 2nd look at the headlights. Still good job!
  11. Sounds cool. Glad to see you all are still working on this great mod. perhaps the next release could include a fix for the ambulance dispatch and parking problems? That would be grand.
  12. Are you making a new map from scratch? If so it will probably take a while...
  13. The in-game black hawk is fine for me.
  14. BTW you should at least add a helicopter like a black hawk. Seems like it would be hard to make it shoot bout it would sure come in handy. It would be one of the first things I would use if I was a commander (assuming zombies can't fly)
  15. I would have some PD cars as well, like if the apocalypse had caught a city by surprise and the cops were still trying to handle it. Also some military trucks like the deuce and a half. Also some APCs with or without weaponry would be cool.
  16. Yeah I understand. I was just browsing through the topic and saw the FD pickup with the bubble lights and really liked it. Also FD tanker. Thanks for the answer and I know most can be found in the editor (or so someone in the topic says) but I am terrible with the editor.
  17. Hey GGD I was wondering what happened to all the old vehicles from the beginning of the mod? Lots of them looked cool yet aren't in game. Are they orphaned units lost forever to the dark corners of your recycling bin or do you plan to release them later or what? It seems like a lot of good work and good units from the beginning aren't in the game now.Nice Sierra by the way.
  18. What do you mean by fully-working? Is it just like the assault rifles the National Guard has in the LA mod?
  19. I thought that adding zombies made the game unstable and lots of zombies would cause the game to crash.
  20. This seems like a daunting project which would involve a incredible amount of scripting. I hope you succeed. Mabye you could release it when World War Z comes out.
  21. My hometown department uses a converted deuce and a half as a tanker. Very reliable design. Although the National Guard truck in the first LA mod is fine as a supply truck.
  22. Guys chill. Settle this in private please.
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