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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Thanks tallen01. Also feel free to include info on if you can speed or not and the use of sirens.
  2. Well in most states a POV IS a emergency vehicle, and justifiably so in my opinion, if the volunteers don't get to the station quickly the fire truck's don't leave the station quickly and buildings burn down and people die. In my state and others vollys can run about 10mph over the speed limit when responding so they do get some leeway, they do not however get to run stop signs and traffic lights.
  3. I know. Sorry if my post was misunderstood. It just seems like the POVs should have lights on them seeing as they need to get to the fire station in a hurry in order to protect their community. I mean the least they could do to people who are willing to risk their lives at a moments notice is give them a flashing light for their personal truck.
  4. Thanks Bosscat. I had heard that some Canadian vollys used green lights. It always seemed to me like a strange color for a emergency vehicle, but is suppose it is unusual and as such is more likely to catch someones attention and that is what matters. And it is strange that everyone in NFL can run blue lights. And thanks squamishfire, it seems really strange that volunteers in BC can't have any lights.
  5. Thank you much, Blue seems to be very common across America.
  6. Hey folks I have been having trouble coming up with a list of what lights the different VFFs across America and Canada can run. For those of you who are volunteer firefighters or know about your local VFFs please post your light color, state, and any other relevant information. Thanks Here is what I have British Columbia- no lights Illinois-Amber and Blue only Massachusetts- Red with siren Missouri-Blue, white with sirens for chiefs. Nova Scotia- Green courtesy lights, Chiefs-Red Newfoundland- Blue lights for VFFs (civilians too) New York-Blue only New Jersy-Blue lights but no speeding, red for chiefs and officers Ohio-Red only Ontario-Green Pennsylvania-Blue (2 max), red and sirens for chiefs South Carolina-no blue lights, anything else is okay Texas- Red and white Wisconsin-Red, must run siren when responding.
  7. Nice! Its good to see that the mod has progressed so fast.
  8. True about the traffic laws EMRs and even VFFs (in my state) are "supposed" to obey all traffic laws. A lot depends on how they are organized. Some are EMRs through their employer, a lot of federal employees are EMRs and big factories sometimes have them too, these EMRs would not have any warning lights on their cars so they would have to respond with traffic. However EMRs who are organized through the fire department would likely have warning equipment and would likley be granted some leeway in regards to traffic laws. And yeah I was just thinking one guy in a nondescript sedan or something, no need to have the map crawling with EMRs when it would not be in real life.
  9. If I may propose a easy to implement concept here: Emergency Medical Responders. (First Responders) Many people across the country are certified EMRs and on vacation or just in their home town and have all their medical equipment with them in their unmarked POVs. I suggest making a EMR person and giving them the stabilize command along with a few others (get and set flares, cones and stop traffic) and having them in civilian vehicles (all you can do is turn on the hazard lights and patrol). These units would wander the map and if they were close to a emergency the could help. This seems like a fairly simple addition as all you would have to do is add functions to a existing civilian unit and person.
  10. Very nice! I especially like the classic POV unit. If you are going to respond to fires might as well respond in style.
  11. IN my area they are called flight cars and they roll when the ambulances are all on calls. They also respond to priority calls like mass casualty and cardiac arrest. In my area the bases have 1 flight car and 2 ambulances so sometimes coverage is spread pretty thin. Seeing as Rockport is now a rural area (?) something like that might be useful. Like not having enough ambulances on map for all calls or something.
  12. Quite nice signatures. I'm really looking forward to playing this mod.
  13. Cool, it looks like its kinda leaning toward the European style of emergency vehicles.
  14. Thanks, glad to hear work is progressing.
  15. Quick question: What are you doing by way of brush/wildland units. Are you sticking with USFS, making a new brush truck, re-skinning the old one, perhaps adding a tanker unit. Sorry for double posting but I was curious. Hope everything is going well with the mod.
  16. Ah thanks for the clarification. In the states water bombers are generally used as support for wildland operations not as the primary attack. If the area is really remote smoke jumpers (crazy men and women but brave) are used. its interesting to see how different countries have adapted their approaches to wildland firefighting.
  17. What is the etiquette with double posting? Is it acceptable to double post on a topic with little activity in say a month? I’m sorry I don’t know all the forum customs.

  18. I see now, some of the lights I saw in the video aren't immediately noticeable on the unit model, my apologies. Its still a great unit and I can't wait to use it in game.
  19. Quite nice, quite nice. Although the lighting seems a bit sparse but I suppose its not exactly a "response unit" by the time it gets there everyone has already been caught.
  20. Well if Rockport is shifting toward a rural setting it would be really cool to see a tanker...
  21. I understand and its Ghost's mod and he can do what he wants. I just seems like a city large enough to have a bomb squad would not have any significant wildland inside the city limits.
  22. Also where is the crane in the first picture?
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