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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Happy International Firefighters’ Day!

  2. Looks like a do-it-yourself lighting job. I had a light that looked just (and I mean just) like those lights. it was a simple cheap thing that plugged into the car outlet. It was a crummy light the bottom magnet didn't work right. Still a cool unit and nice picture.
  3. Well as everyone knows different is just another word for wrong. I'm so glad we do it the right way here in 'Murica.
  4. Yeah I agree that UK ambulances with the checker patterns (and only blue lights what is with that?) look pretty strange to us North Americans. However i think the point is more that ambulances tend to be bright colors for obvious reasons, having a earth tone ambulance seems cool in theory but not as noticeable in real life. However I imagine with all the lights it would probably be fine.
  5. Well as far as I know Hoppah is done with the LA mod, so if you want changes watch the submods. -In the Rockport mod some of the police cars have a floodlight that comes on with the directional lights, also the RCMP mod is working on floodlights but that mod is not released. -The traffic redirect problem is well known and nothing can be done about it. -For foot patrols look here:http://forum.emergen...__+foot +patrol. -I don't think anyone is working on the siren button, if you want that you will have to make it yourself.
  6. The download has been removed from the forum, it was on the old Chester County submod thread which has bed removed. The mod is still being worked on but it has a new thread and is called the "Montana mod", it is in the mods section. And I have looked else ware for the download as I would like it but I haven't found it. You could ask around some more on the forum, I know some other members have it and maybe they could send it to you.
  7. I think he made it himself.
  8. Boy I wish my Volunteer Fire Department was as well equipped as Chester County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department is.
  9. Oh sorry, I don't know what is what on the ambulance. I'm more concerned with getting patients into the ambulance.
  10. I like it, siren above the cab seems a bit over sized but I guess it is probably that way in real life. Great model and skin!
  11. Oh sorry, I didn't catch that in the video. I just figured that a law enforcement vehicle would probably have blue lights.
  12. Well that is good, I look forward to using the volunteers in the mod and playing the mod in general.
  13. OK then so their are going to be volunteers in the Ravenna mod but they will just be firefighters in tricked out POVs, with no scripts or special functions associated with them?
  14. 1. It would be so cool to see an American volunteer fire department mod. That would be really wonderful! 2. Ravenna is not a volunteer department. Hence the problem.
  15. I do understand that having a light makes people act stupid and take dangerous risks, however before I got my lights on my POV I would come up behind someone going 10 below the speed limit and I would be running hazards and honking and they would not get the message. That has changed since I got lights for my POV. I know the difference it makes is small but those seconds can help us save more property, if only a incremental amount.
  16. Thanks for your information n00bingtarget, it has been added to the list on the original post.
  17. Well I have searched for it. If someone could show me where it is I would appreciate it.
  18. It is no longer available. I wish it was because I would like to play it.
  19. Fred03

    Washington D.C.

    He just updated his other mod, so the creator is still in the modding business. Give him time its not easy managing 2 mods at one time.
  20. Very good, Nice new model. If you want feed back I would recommend changing the lighting on the Oshkosh Tactical Protector Vehicle, perhaps adding just 1 thinner LED light bar on the front. Still it looks wonderful.
  21. Looks good. Better than I can do LOL.
  22. I think that if the UK has VFDs they are very rare. Seeing as European cities have all been around longer than American cities paid departments would have been established a long time ago. Also I may be wrong but I would say that cities in the UK tend to be larger than the little rural towns in America that have volunteer departments. Edit From Wikipedia: In the United Kingdom there are three volunteer fire departments. The Auxiliary Fire Service is now disbanded, but part-time members of fire brigades who man smaller, often rural, stations are known as retained firefighters. Retained firefighters are fully trained personnel who provide cover on top of their regular jobs and live in the vicinity of a fire station. The only volunteer fire stations can be found at Gordonstoun School in the Grampian area of Scotland, and pupils over the age of 16 may train to become firefighters and respond to calls within the vicinity (although they are not paid). Another volunteer fire station is in Peterborough, England, this is manned by the Peterborough Volunteer Fire Brigade. This fire station whilst operating like a Retained unit is contracted to provide a service to the Cambridgeshire Fire Service. There is also Borth Volunteer Fire Station, near Aberystwyth, Wales.
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