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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Quite nice, although the European influence is obvious. This mod is starting to lean toward Europe...
  2. I think you must move the coronas from the download to the game/mod file. Move the coronas only not the file.
  3. Are you planing on uploading it to Emergency Planet?
  4. I get your point. The tiller annoys me as well, I generally don't use it.
  5. Very true about the tiller. I was just advising how to make it more realistic, however the mod is fictional, so bama1234 can do what he wants. And I think the whole mod looks great regardless is looking great.
  6. Very nice hazmat unit. I recommend changing the name on the side. Montana has hazmat teams divided into regions and they are indeed hosted by a local fire department. Perhaps "Chester Regional HazMat Team" and then underneath that "Chester County Volunteer Fire Department" that would make it more accurate to Montana. Also it seems uncommon in Montana for a single large truck to be the HazMat unit. They apparently tend to trailer units, perhaps using whatever scripts that make the tiller work. But that seems like a large undertaking for a minor issue. Over all I say good job sir.
  7. In general the EMRs (first responders) would probably only ever be seen on the scene of a MVA. The EMRs I have worked with are either with local departments or are from out of town departments and happen to be on vacation. As I am a EMR with my Volunteer Department I keep my bag with me in the car and take it with me on long trips just in case I see a MVA.
  8. So with what looks like a lake in the middle is their a new water rescue unit? Depending on the size of the lake and river either a john boat or a larger inboard boat would be more fitting than the zodiac that is in the LA mod.
  9. The ambulances are looking nice. Have all the tec units been made yet?
  10. Correct. I would have accepted type 3 from CAL Fire. Your turn.
  11. Looks like you have a big workload, better start skinning!
  12. Very nice, did you resolve all your lightbar issues?
  13. So a new map is in the works? I am really looking forward to this.
  14. Here is a easy one to get us all back on track:
  15. Take your time, its the finished product that matters, not showing us something new all the time.
  16. You can take photographs of anything/anyone if you are in public in a place you have a right to be. (In the US) So if you were on a sidewalk and saw a patrol car you could take a picture of them as long as you don't sell it. So if its in public you are Okay, the cops will hassle you and will probably arrest you for disobeying a lawful order, but since the order is not lawful it won't hold up in court. Of course its best to use discretion especially with detectives and undercover officers. Hopefully no one on here would ever intentionally or unintentionally put law enforcement officers at risk.
  17. Well Canada is also working on making it illegal to photograph seal clubbing because they don't want people around the world to see what is happening in the north. Here in the United States laws like that are less likely to fly.
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