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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. My old department used a mini pumper as a rescue/EMS truck. It worked well and had enough space to carry all our equipment. But that's irrelevant. I think that the one thing to really insure accuracy is to make sure not all the trucks are really new looking, Most VFDs I know of had one or 2 new trucks and the rest are older. But if they even get a script where volunteers would respond in their POVs (then we would have a discussion/argument over lights) it will be great, I would really like to see a working American volunteer mod.
  2. True but their hasn't been anything for a month, I know Marshall isn't likely to just abandon a mod but a little note every once in a while just to let people know its alive would be nice.
  3. Makes sense I suppose, the ones I'm familiar with don't have the money to wast operating a truck that is almost never used.
  4. I know I just though I would point it out. And yes, never underestimate the power of bungee cords and duct tape too (never been on a fire truck that didn't have some).
  5. Looks nice. Although it seems unlikely that traffic cones would just be tossed on the roof, seems like unless they were fastened down they would fall off really quickly.
  6. @JrFF34, yes but not always. My old department could not find the money to replace their trucks, but they made it work. (small river tourist town of 500) And I really don't think a ladder would be needed in a town of that size, really.
  7. Good suggestions and I have some more. +Rescue Boat (something like a john boat) I"m not sure what you have decided but if you are making the campground and surrounding land and river federal they would have their own boat. If not the fire department and sheriff's department would have their own boats. +A private ambulance service, most small towns have their ambulance service from a hospital in a nearby town, as such a small ambulance base (2 ambulances, 1 flight car) would be located in the town to provide medical assistance (Mercy does a lot in the Midwest, others elsewhere), the medical helicopter would also be off map. (Air Evac most likely) I know you were going to do a FD ambulance but volunteer fire departments tend to not operate ambulances because they need to be staffed 24/7. +Pick a state for the mod and have a state highway patrol unit off map
  8. Well that depends, is it just a small campground or is it part of a larger park? If it is part of something like a larger National Park or National Forest their would likely be a type 6 in the area at least. If its just a little privately owned campground they would rely on the city's fire department. Trust me on this I used to live in a tourist river town.
  9. So true, in all likleyhood both the town FD and whatever agency operated the campground/park would both have brush trucks.
  10. Not like you need it, but if you would like help with ideas or pictures just shoot me a PM. Good luck! And I must ask, with the units are we going for "cool" or "realistic"? That is if you can restrain yourselves from tricking out the lights vs In reality I have to yet to meet a volunteer fire department that had the most modern apparatus and equipment.
  11. Nice, and of course I have suggestions, sorry +National Park/game warden unit for campground (never saw that one coming did you? ) + Tanker + Brush truck, it really is needed. My old department has 2 engines, 1 rescue, 1 tanker and 1 brush truck and it is a really small town. + Mutual aid units, like a neighboring VFD that is off map. +Make it volunteer (if it can be done) in America a town of that size would likely never have a full time FD +If the map is rural perhaps a sheriff's department with a SUV or Pickup would be useful in addition to just a town cop. Anyway it looks great, just my ideas.
  12. If this is nothing I would love to see what he comes up with next.
  13. Sorry I hadn't heard that. It still looks cool although in my humble opinion it has crossed the line from "modern" into "ridiculous". The car itself that is, not the model, the model looks great!
  14. Fascinating, looks a little futuristic but I hear these things are supposed to replace the CVPIs so I guess its realisticish.
  15. Sounds cool, can't wait to see pictures when you are done.
  16. And it would be a little odd as some of the units would have drivers wouldn't they?
  17. Tut, tut, we all know vollys are superior. But good luck anyway!!
  18. Quite nice, especially for a first attempt. Is the fire department going to be volunteer or career?
  19. Too modest, their are many great modders out there and you sit high in the ranks. I mean you completely changed EM4 for a Army mod in less time than most submods get released...
  20. By guru he means king of the modders.
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