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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Industrial being not altogether uncommon in small towns, it provides a boost to their generally agricultural or tourists based economies.
  2. Excellent work! As for the staffing, in my humble opinion I believe a engine and a rescue would be best. A fire department having only two trucks is pretty small town, a really small town. I kinda like the idea actually, makes you manage your resources. Altough it seems like it would get absurd very fast, you would have to do a lot of off map calls (but then again small towns do do mutual aid a lot) @firefighter23, he said he would be "replacing it with a volunteer response script"
  3. Did you do anything special to make it a tanker? Added extra hose connections or something?
  4. Quite so, we should be pleased with how much they have already accommodated our wishes and suggestions.
  5. Fred wonders why Hoppah is posting in the 3rd person on the first post.
  6. SO COOL!!! WONDERFUL!! Great job.
  7. The folders right? Sorry, I'm not good with computers.
  8. Sorry. To install this mod (submod) do I need to do anything with the mod installer, move the folders, move the files or what?
  9. As doe the POV lights, we haven't even heard from the mod creators that it is possible to light the POVs. And if it is perhaps a vote would be best to decide the light color (seeing as the modders seem to really appreciate the feedback)
  10. Sorry, I missed that post. I recant my earlier preacheness. i suppose to repent I might as well make my suggestion. Blue lights on POVs, park the brush truck outside the station, and some of the surrounding land should be a state park, national park, national forest or something.
  11. In my old department (we were very rural) most of our firefighters were certified first responders, we responded to all medicals in our town in our POVs. It worked out well as we did what we could to stabilize a patient and then transmitted patient information to the responding ambulance. We often had firefighters (not first responders) respond as well, they came and did what the responders told them what to do, they were invaluable when we had to move a large patient, control a crowd or set up a LZ. So yeah firefighters do often respond to medicals, likely more often in rural areas then in larger cities. (I'm not sure how they do things in the big city, never worked emergencies in one) Also I feel like I should probably suggest that everyone chill out and take a step back. I know that everyone wants the game to be just like the emergency services are near them. I am as guilty of this as anyone else. Obviously the mod creators can't please all of us and perhaps we should just be grateful for them making this mod at all. Maybe we should all just wait and see what the mod creators have up their sleeves. (and before you jump on me, yes I know I'm a hypocrite)
  12. To the firefighters and fire department personal on the forum: My department is looking into grants for apparatus, we have already looked at the FEMA grants, does anyone have any suggestions? What worked for your department?

  13. Seems like control of the POVs would be nice but I don't know if it would work the way the have the respond to station script made. Seems like a non-issue to me as this mod has already made the volunteer aspect realistic and it functions in game, more than can be said for any other American volunteer mod.
  14. And some states do. I think more allow lights than don't. Seeing as the mod is fictional it depends on what the creators want. Personally I think volunteers should have lights. I suppose we can wait and see what state Rlast has it set in (seeing as he is making the state police units) and what that state's light laws are. On a unrelated subject are their going to be assorted units off map? Like police helicopters and mobile command, hazmat and such.
  15. Very nice, before you are done I hope you add some lights to the volunteer POVs and change the sounds. I really like the new map and I think you have done a amazing job so far and I really look forward to playing this mod. Congrats on the first North American volunteer-based mod! (and the police units look great!!)
  16. Touché, although it is slightly better marked. Hypocriticalness has been taken care of. I caught that earlier I was wondering if anyone else did.
  17. Nice reskins and thanks for adding a DNR unit, its great for accuracy.
  18. To improve them I would recommend a different color scheme for the sheriff, based on grey, brown, black or white. Something like that. (and make it a pickup truck but that's just me) The ambulance looks fine to me although to improve it I would add a unit number and some equipment doors for stuff.
  19. Ambulance does look really nice, sheriff looks nice but it does look a little like a taxi.
  20. Never seen a double john boat trailer before, that's pretty cool!
  21. AWESOME!!! Great job, I can't wait to play this mod. Does the awning on the hazmat come out? (no practical application it would just be cool)
  22. Yes it is, the mod was designed for multiplayer so you have to do everything manually.
  23. Sorry if it wasn't apparent but my quote was intended to poke fun at the American feeling of being the best in the world, which I personally find annoying as many countries have many different ways of doing the same thing that are worth noting. And if my knowledge of VFD procedures is not appreciated than I shall cease such comments. My apologies for anyone one I have offended.
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