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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Seems like bama left us hanging, now we are all wondering about the possible near release and the staffing. Well played sir, master of suspense.
  2. Just kinda have to throw this out there: TANK IS AWESOME!!! (had to cheat to find the gold but still)
  3. ^^ Seems like a decent idea, especally the chief being at a house.
  4. Looks good, its nice to see the POVs with lights and all the other cool scripts. Good work!
  5. So true, about not knowing how many guys are going to respond.
  6. It's supposed to work like the water cannon.
  7. True, but in such a small town it would make no sense to have a separate first aid service, I know of many towns who technically have a first aid service (___ County First Responders and the like) however since all of the first responders are on the fire department it is pretty much the same. Remember a town of this size would likely have less than 20 firefighters total.
  8. Looks nice, like lots of work has happened that wasn't shown on the forum. Quite nice indeed.
  9. Is their another one that has been released? I know there are others in the works but I don't think that any have been released (I would be pleased if I was wrong)
  10. Cool! I for one are glad to hear that this is still progressing, it was always a interesting looking mod and it would be a shame if it died. Any chance of us seeing any of the work you have done?
  11. Does that mean that the scripts and units are near completed, or are you just focusing on the map right now and are going to work on other stuff later?
  12. ^^ Seems like a decent idea, probably more like a clinic than a hospital. A lot of rural towns have clinics that can stabilize most injuries for transport to larger hospitals. I know the clinic at the Grand Canyon receives patients, packages them and then loads them into the helicopter or ambulance from a larger hospital.
  13. So does connecting a hydrant to the TFT do anything? I didn't seem to change anything when I did it. It does look cool though.
  14. Looks cool. What's this about a new map?
  15. Well its rare for a all volunteer FD to run a ambulance, especially a ALS one. Most FDs that run ambulances are combination departments that have around 4 part time EMTs that work in shifts at the station with the off shift acting as firefighters if they are called. However in such a small town such things would probably be different, never having lived in a community that small (my smallest was 500 people) I bow to anyone else who has better knowledge.
  16. It looks like their is one parking spot, not enough for all the volunteers surely, but a chief truck would be cool.
  17. Cool. I assume the mission frequency and type have been adjusted for the small town feel? Have you added any new missions? And I suggest adding a helipad next to the fire station, just a thought.
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