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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Very true about the USFS wildland firefighters being sufficient for both the NPS and USFS, when they are all in their Nomex suits they all look the same. As for the stretcher teams the medics on wildland fires just wear the same sort of gear as the other firefighters but the NPS operates ambulances in the parks, staffed by park rangers trained as paramedics so a different skin might be in order.
  2. National Park Rangers are responsible for enforcing laws inside National Parks and Forest Rangers enforce laws inside National Forests, they are just like police. Other types of people handle firefighting.
  3. Fred03

    Almada Mod (WIP)

    How did I miss this mod?!? Great work sir!
  4. Yay USFS. Thank you for making that.
  5. Well done, it looks great. And about the nozzle on the front, they look stupid in real life, but then again if it looks stupid but it works, it ain't stupid.
  6. I started when I was in High School, some of the "Juniors" as they were called were actually better than the adults. They were certainly more reliable, they could not have lights until they were 18 but they still helped a bunch. Anyways back to topic, do you have any pictures of your work to post?
  7. Looks good, I missed the MCU in the mod.
  8. Check this out, is this not awesome?? I want some for my department!! http://wtop.com/256/3380653/Ambulances-clear-road-with-radio-warnings-in-Ecuador

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. goog


      only effective if everyone is on the radio,I always listen to the MP3 instead.But if it makes a few more people move out of the way who otherwise wouldn't have,it's a good idea.

    3. Fred03


      I think they should be built into cars so that it would override whatever you are doing, it'll never happen though :(

    4. cops


      that's what we use in the Netherlands in a few places as a test, I think it's pretty cool to have it

  9. Looks good, palm trees are a nice touch.
  10. NY mod, just let the protest get out of hand and it will start to look more like a riot, with people throwing things and lighting things on fire.
  11. So the WBC is going to picket the funerals of the 19 hotshots huh? Sounds like a time to break out the halligans and smash a few faces.

    1. CFDDIVE11


      Yeah that's BS that there going

    2. EmergencyFan97


      Halligans? Deck guns and crash axes sounds better to me.

    3. Handsup!


      Westboro Baptist Church?

      Oh i hate those people. Don't use deck guns, use a fire extinguisher. Spray carbon dioxide into their mouths and make them eat it >:)

      That's really sick...

  12. Air raid sirens, not to diss on Europe but I'm glad the continental US doesn't have them (never had and hopefully never will need them). We do however have tornado sirens which I think are a pretty American thing as well as some cities still use sirens to alert the VFDs.
  13. RIP to the 19 hotshots who died Sunday.

  14. Very, very bottom of the fire menu.
  15. Bring on the nukes, apparently NC is ready.
  16. It is already uploaded... Here is to topic. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/17822-chester-county-mod/?hl=chester
  17. I know this is from the beta and the beta has flaws (that's why its a beta) but in the beta you get a error when you try to dispatch engine 1 using the battalion chief. Great work BTW I really enjoy the beta and an looking forward to playing the new version.
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