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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. It can be done, depending on the type of door, most folks who do entry use a ram just to make sure.
  2. More different types of calls. Warrant, have to take a person into custody and their is a chance they will start shootingStabbing, like attempted homicide but the guy doesn't have a gunDomestic dispute, if possible just talk to both people and leave (not sure if the scripts can handle that) or arrest one of themAbduction, have to search a area of houses (like the high value terrorist in the US Army mod) for the subjectFalse alarm fire, have the firefighters check the building and then leaveHeat exhaustion, medical callBroken ankle, medical callWelfare check, have to go check a house, chance the person may be injured or armed.Drug deal, have to arrest dealer and buyer, both armed.Drive by shooting, must treat victim then stop car (like car theft)Small plane crash, small plane crashes and you must help the survivors (no more than 3)Poaching, like attempted homicide except the victim is a deer or something.Shooting rampage, man with a rifle starts shooting and must be stopped.Protect informer/witness, defend a person against attack, person may be moved to a more secure location.Drunk person, arrest and removeA riot (I know the stereotype is all Canadians are polite but still), people throwing bottles and things of that naturePerson thrown from horse, medical call
  3. Then I holster my weapons and explain that LEOs have to always be on our guard, finish filling my car with gas and go on my merry way.
  4. Draw gun, order person to stop, have partner check to see if it is a weapon.
  5. Use the panic button on the radio, turn it off and wait for backup to arrive.
  6. In the larger cities their is a translator on staff, smaller dispatches have a number they can call for translation. (I believe, not sure on this one)
  7. That's like asking how to make a chocolate sundae better, its already looking great! But anyway: Tasers, pretty easy to add (so I'm told) and would really increase realism.OC spray, along the same line as taser.
  8. So has work slowed down over the summer or are you all working on some sort of project?
  9. 1. He should learn how to model/skin himself and stop bugging modders. 2. Any of those units would not be out of place in a rural situation like Chester (excluding the transport bus)
  10. My department is so small we use Juniors as firefghters, they can't perform entry or drive the trucks but they do all the rest of the stuff we do. The are actually more dependable than the "Seniors" as they are a lot more likley to respond to calls.
  11. Just so you are aware the USFS unit that is on the model of the large rescue ambulance is a hotshot transport vehicle that is used for transporting crews of firefighters across the country. While it shares the body of the large rescue ambulance in real life it does not have any medical capabilities at all, its a tricked out bus really.
  12. Your city looks like a dangerous place to live.
  13. In my county we have no paid departments, they are all volunteer. We are dispatched to the calls in our area and once on scene the highest ranking officer who responds (not everyone always responds, last fire we had 7 total firefighters) can call and request mutual aid from the next town over and the county dispatch tones them to respond to our location. When the tones sound over our radios some firefighters respond to the station where their gear is and respond in the trucks, some who live outside of town and far from the station just keep their gear in their vehicles and respond to the scene of the fire.
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