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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. I believe none, in my case I just call it a flight car because that's what they are called in my area. I belive either one is just a unit that transports medical personal and equipment but doesn't have patient transport ability.
  2. Tackle him of course. He is resisting arrest anyway on top of the original robbery so yeah, tackle him.
  3. Looking good, and while I appreciate the color scheme wouldn't it make more sense for the star of life in the window to be blue? Seems like all the ones I have ever seen are blue. Just my humble opinion. Great skin!
  4. (read this in a book about The Troubles), informant exposed, just like the hostage thing really.
  5. I suspect its based on the way the Sheriff's Department works in most parts of America: the Sheriff's Department has jurisdiction over the whole county and security for the courthouse while the city police departments stop at the city limits. That's how it is everywhere I have ever lived at least.
  6. Nice... Do you plan on ever making a version 2?
  7. Looks great!!! Is this going to be a 2nd version or is this just going to be a submod sort of thing?
  8. Those vehicle look great. I especially like the flight car but they all look wonderful. I hope this GTA stuff works out for you.
  9. Stop truck, start medical treatment, advise dispatch of status and request a ambulance and other units to handle the fire. Do what you can for the child (depending on skill level) until the ambulance arrives. Once the ambulance arrives you may have to stay on scene to give a statement or be questioned, if not continue on to the fire.
  10. Might try trial and error, start a campaign mission and keep trying commands until your figure them out...
  11. That flight car looks JUST like the ones in my area, switch up the colors a bit and you would have it (and a light bar) Looks brilliant!!
  12. And yet its 5:00 somewhere.
  13. It goes the other way too, poor community poor VFD. Then their is a real problem and its really hard to solve, the big FEMA grants are really hard to get (especially the ones for trucks) Anyway bama, great work, I'm really looking forward to playing this. This will be a full mod right?
  14. When I don't respond to the status check dispatch should order the world to respond.
  15. Yeah, contain until the SWAT team gets there and then go direct traffic or be useful in some other way while SWAT does their thing.
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