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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Wouldn't even put on the lights for a broken leg.
  2. Oh yeah, forgot about that. And @haha24ha Hoppah has just released a working limited water supply logic (script thing), check the modding and modding related support topic.
  3. The Canadian Forces Maritime Command operates a Fire class fire boat out of CFB Esquimalt which is across the strait. Seattle also has 3 fire boats and would probably (?) respond to anything as big as a oil rig on fire.
  4. Thanks for the information, good luck.
  5. Backboard? I didn't know their was a backboard in this mod. Cool situation anyways.
  6. Looks good, I think the side of the Sheriff van is a little boring, perhaps another sheriff star on it or something.
  7. Do you all think you will be adding the limited water capacity logic to this mod? Seems like it would make the mod really hard but add a much better level of realism, then you can replace that nice looking but useless ladder with a tanker/tender.
  8. Yes, the firefighter would have to be wherever he would be in real life. This would require additional scripting/modeling for any truck though as a new model would have to be made. Additional problems would stem from the firefighters being disproportionally large compared to the vehicles.
  9. Along with the pump idea could you make it so one firefighter was required to be still in the vehicle for the pump to operate? Like in the US Army mod where a unused Firefighter was required to operate the water cannon... I know all the department's I have had experience with require 1 firefighter to be running the pump at all times. So if the truck has 6 firefighters 1 sets up the filler line (nearest truck or hydrant), 4 get hoses and attach them. Then on a command (button on menu) the remaining firefighter inside the truck appears outside by the control panel and then the hoses will work.
  10. Glad to hear it's possible! In the future if/when such a script is made it should really help a couple of small town mods and will add more realism to all mods and connecting fire trucks is common practice when their are no hydrants available.
  11. Here you go: You are dispatched to a 1 vehicle MVA, rollover with 1 possibly entrapped. You arrive with a heavy resce, crew of 4, a engine company is 2 minutes out with a crew of 3. You arrive to fine 1 confirmed entrapped. The vehicle (a 200 Ford Ranger) is on a slight embankment. The patient is alert and oriented but injured and very intoxicated.
  12. Oh great and powerful Hoppah we thank your for your work. Would it be possible to make trucks connect to each other so something like a tanker could be made practical. Since I''m not sure of your familiarity with US fire engines it might work like this. A truck with a 500 gallon tank attacks a fire and soon the tank drops to 200. A tanker arrives and is connected to the first truck, the tanker has a 2000 gallon tank. The water level in the tanker now starts to drop while the water level in the first truck stays steady (since the water is now coming from the tanker). Once the tanker is out of water the water level in the first truck starts to drop again. In theory could this be done? I can think of at least one mod that would benefit greatly from a functional tanker script.
  13. Blood born pathogens on fire equipment, what has the world come to?
  14. So far you have outdone yourself, what else are you aiming to get done for the next release?
  15. I truly love this mod and it still cracks me up when I see the FF Paramedics holding a hose or the jaws of life while wearing medical gloves.
  16. Sorry forgot about that reskin, my apologies.
  17. I like the concept here but do you have anything to show us?
  18. Bummer, would be great to see this in every mod but at least it in this mod!
  19. Very nice, are you going to make this scrip available for other modders or keep it to yourself for a while?
  20. GREAT!! What's next? Cars pulling to the side of the road?
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