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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Good to hear work is still continuing, this mod looks so promising.
  2. I suspected they might be communication lights and I have also heard of green being used to designate the IC.
  3. Why the red, orange, blue and green lights on the cab?
  4. Fred03

    Ideas for a new Mod?

    I think a few were started but died.
  5. You can copy the banner and post it into your signature when you go to edit your signature.
  6. Perhaps it is a surplus FDNY vehicle now being operated by a FD in Montana. I know of a department in my area that has a former NYFD truck.
  7. Looks good, are you going to change the light bar to match?
  8. The only way to upgrade vehicles (right now) is to research things in the tec tree like the LRAD.
  9. Cool, thanks for the clarification.
  10. What does the backboard do?
  11. Don't forget about pumper to pumper, we do that a lot. Have 2 pumpers sharing water and attacking the fire while a third pumper shuttles water, this is always mutual aid though.
  12. Is that the ambulance from the Montana mod? It looks nice.
  13. Not all transports, no need to floor it on the way to the hospital for something minor, lots of ambulance calls are bull anyway. Some folks see the ambulance as more of a taxi. But yeah, just treat a ambulance without its lights on as just another midsized truck on the road. Not every ambulance on the roads is going to a emergency, some may be going to lunch, transferring a vehicle, going to a PR event or something.
  14. I saw the pictures on FB and you have done a great job! The new call buttons are a nice touch. Are you planning on adding hoppah's limited water supply logic?
  15. I see your point especially if their is no other information. In my area we generally have people on scene before the ambulance and they can update the responding ambulance on the condition of the patient so the ambulance crew can decide the appropriate level of response, good system in my opinion. In MY experience when people encounter a emergency vehicle they lose their minds, stop in the middle of the road and do all kinds of crazy stuff. And the point about getting the ambulance back to base makes a lot of sense.
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