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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Well that's a bummer. I hope you can recover your files and such.
  2. Has anyone made a limited water supply version of the mod yet?
  3. Sorry I didn't mean to sound harsh. I was just saying that the modders are not releasing as much info as before, as is their right. No offense was intended, I know you guys are volunteers and have lives outside of modding.
  4. I don't think they have told, and I suspect that they won't. They aren't big on revealing too much right now apparently.
  5. My department has to use a lot of old equipment and we don't have much money so we take what we can get, 2 of our trucks have mixed red/white/blue lights while the rest run just reds. We even have a really old (but it works) brush with a lightbar like this on it:
  6. Yeah, different states have different laws on light colors. I think I see a little of the old Aiken color scheme in the pumper there too . Have you all considered adding a older unit too for the sake of realism? Something say 1988ish...
  7. Would it be possible to make a "car chase" mission? Where 2 or 3 cars follow the suspect car? I know when I do it with the flight vehicle the car just stops right where it is...
  8. Looks good, I especially like the SWAT hummer. Wouldn't it look better to have "SAR" instead of "S&R" though? I am not familiar with Ravenna units but I usually see Search and Rescue abbreviated SAR, but that might just be me.
  9. I don't suppose their are pictures or videos of this mod so we can see what it looks like before we download it?
  10. Looks good, the explorer could use a lightbar.
  11. Yeah, as much as I love crown vics I really don't think a vic would be the ideal pursuit vehicle, if its speed you are looking for try one of the new camaros.
  12. Looks good, to be honest it was kinda odd to see a Canadian mod without the RCMP, I know they aren't everywhere in Canada but it is without a doubt the first thing most people think of when someone says "Canadian Police".
  13. A land management agency with riot police seems a bit unusual, we have one in the US but they are a special case. Why does the Italian forest service need a riot unit.
  14. Looks good, a RCMP car would also be nice.
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