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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Fred03

    Blackrock Cliffs

    Looking good! You going to make it volly?
  2. Jam sandwich, but that's probably because it looks more American. The other one kinda looks like a checkerboard.
  3. Yeah for a rural map a tanker/tender would be great. Also if you could put the limited water supply logic in it that would be wonderful. As for new buildings there are quite a few small house models in the game already from the map and missions to make a decent rural map aren't there? After all it wouldn't have as many buildings as the city...
  4. Either get a new map or put the old stations back, its hard to cover part of LA with the emergency services of a small town. And fixing the call out script bugs would be my first priority.
  5. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    I've heard it called both a fire station and a fire house in my town. I think it depends on the mannerisms of the area really. For clarification we could just say "that place the fire trucks are" but that's a bit wordy.
  6. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Well he hasn't come out and said this is a volunteer fire department so...
  7. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Both good cars but the colors don't look right together, emergency vehicles not Christmas decorations. Station looks cool too.
  8. Are you planning on uploading it to his forum?
  9. So you have a map (ish) and you have PD and EMS units and 1 fire unit and a respond to station script... what else needs done besides some more FD units and a few POVs?
  10. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Looks good! I see quite a bit of resemblance to the Massachusetts State Police over-snow machine.
  11. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    yeah the firefighter looks good!
  12. Does that car say "citizens patrol"? Does the neighborhood watch get chargers now?
  13. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    I would take the "Light Rescue" off the top of the truck and just have it say "Tall Pines" or "Fire Department" or "Rescue".
  14. Yeah, I'm with you on that police car livery needing some major alterations. The ambulance however looks great!
  15. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Well this is a fictional mod so you can do whatever you want! I think a reskin of the either one of the small rescue units from the LA mod would match with what most SAR teams used. That would save time as opposed to having to model a whole new thing like big over snow machine. Heck even a reskin of a ambulance would work apparently. The setting looks very nice, it would be great to have a new rural/mountain map.
  16. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Have you considered adding a Search and Rescue (SAR) unit of some sort? The NPS operates some SAR teams Some area have regional SAR teams And other area have SAR teams run by the local fire department or by the Sheriff's Department. Some SAR teams also operate independently.
  17. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Nice car but don't you already have a NPS car?
  18. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Looks good! Were you planning on doing anything with volunteer firefighters/EMS or something like that?
  19. I'm not usually interested in mods outside of North America but that looks really cool!
  20. Fred03

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Looks good to me. I would move the tree to the cab door, below the star of life. Maybe take the star of life and paramedic off, but it still looks fine, do what you wish its your mod.
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