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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. I feel like LAX wold have more than just one crash tender. ..
  2. Have you looked into what sort of vehicles/staffing LAX really has? That might be the place to start...
  3. Yeah I understand that now that I know what the difference between a tanker and a tender is (at least in South Carolina). I originally thought he meant the airplanes, which calling in 4 airplanes for a little brushfire like this might be a bit excessive
  4. Same thing with fire stations, fire halls, fire houses whatever.
  5. Oh, I see. I had never heard that distinction of tanker-tender. In my area we call them both tankers, even with attack capabilities.
  6. So another version is in the works?
  7. Which is why I'm confused because he said And it seems like 4 tanker aircraft would be a bit excessive for a brushfire this small.
  8. Well if we want to go into the "what units are really needed" conversation almost no units are needed, just what was in the original version of EM4...
  9. I THOUGHT it was a matter of vernacular, like "Soda" and "Pop" it appears I may have been mistaken...
  10. But out west doesn't "tanker" mean something along the lines of a slurry bomber? I know in my area vehicles that exist only to resupply attack trucks are called "tankers" but I read somewhere that out west "tankers" are what the USFS airplanes are called and the trucks are called "tenders"... And the area has sidewalks but no hydrants? That's weird, I would think California would be putting hydrants everywhere seeing as half the state catches fire every year it seems.
  11. Ok so 4 tankers and 3 tenders? That's either a mistake or a gross misuse of resources.
  12. How about different levels of gameplay? Like if you want you can play it at the dispatch level (like the current game) or company level ( manage one fire in depth at a time, ventilation, more in-depth forcible entry and search and suppression) or for PD (arrest, ticket, verbally solve other options) for EMS (different treatment and diagnostic things)
  13. In some other areas the Police only have jurisdiction inside their city whereas the Sheriff has jurisdiction throughout the county. As such the Sheriff's Department takes the lead role in incidents outside the cities, The Highway Patrol/State Troopers/Department of Public Safety/State Police work primarily on highways doing traffic enforcement and cross county incidents as well as assist with any other incidents in which they are requested.
  14. I'd go with whatever is the most realistic so...
  15. Hey Stan, my notifications for the RCMP mod and the Montana mod are still in German, all the others are fine though.
  16. I believe that was when it was just a couple of re-skins and new models, now the mod is much more complex and as such takes longer to perfect. @coolhoser-nice
  17. Have you all looked into including portable water tanks in this mod? Perhaps setting it up like a stationary unit(tanker perhaps) would work but I bet it would involved a lot of scripting...
  18. Looks nice! Are you going to make the SRU command vehicle thing too?
  19. Okay, I'll go try it. Edit That worked thanks, but now the link to the light coronas won't work
  20. So I went and downloaded this mod using Mega and Google Chrome (Firefox wouldn't do it and internet explorer is not even working) and when I go to my mall installer it opens it like its a regular file, it can't find anything in the file to "install" any idea what's up?
  21. Nah, to be truly Australian the car would start a bushfire when it wrecked...
  22. Great!! I think the roof of the ladder could use another look, it don't seem quite "right" to me, too much red maybe. But the rest looks/sounds wonderful, I'm sure this will give the mod a more realistic/Canadian feel. I really like the lights on Ambulance 102, one of the ambulances in my area has a light setup like that (except more, longer in the front) and its nice to see it in-game.
  23. Gonna be hard to have firefighters vent when their is not script or in-game reason to, I personally enjoy playing realistically but once in a while I like just being lazy and using the deck guns. I feel like if this mod successfully pulls off the small town atmosphere (which I think it will) their will be a lot more of that, on account of limited resources.
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