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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Looks good! It will be nice to have more realistic options for things like ventilation.
  2. Looking forward to Monday? Bold words sir, bold words indeed.
  3. Anyone ever notice that a town shown in NCIS called Stillwater? Just saw that today and was quite surprised.
  4. I worry about saying that, remember when we though EM5 would be out around Christmas time 2013? Things may change and EM5 might get cancelled you never know. It just seems to me that the release of EM5 is a unreliable benchmark.
  5. Oh, shame. I see I read it wrong now. Seems like the drunk always walks away.
  6. Are you going to add a Streetsboro FD truck? I know they don't Mutuial Aid Ravenna much but I for one would like to see it.
  7. Nice to have a DWI driver who is the one killed in the wreck instead of someone innocent person driving along, as it seems to be most times.
  8. I understand, that darn life gets in the way of modding once in a while.
  9. Sounds cool, although it might have been nicer to say that instead of posting a somewhat vague picture.
  10. That thing does not appeal to me at all. What's the point in having a pickup truck if it has the ground clearance of a crown vic? I mean I know it hauls a little more but it looks impractical for doing anything off pavement.
  11. Middlesex township? Really? The joke makes itself...
  12. Anti-riot sure... "crowd control with extreme prejudice"
  13. Sorry guys, I only speak FREEDOM!
  14. Oh I know, you all are so safe and civilized across the pond.
  15. Wow, the UK has very restrictive weapons laws apparently.
  16. In my VFD we don't have pagers at all, everyone (even cadets, juniors) is issued a radio. I was wondering how other department did things like that.
  17. Fred03

    mod idea

    Yeah I'm going with the Stillwater mod for the first successful small town mod, I really hope it succeeds where so many others have failed.
  18. My experience with rural VFDs never involved anything like that.
  19. Maybe he could if he is secretly the son of Bill Gates.
  20. Maybe you could if you had another semi... Either way its worth trying just because.
  21. Yeah the RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) is a 2 man team that are equipped to the same level or above the firefighters in the house, they can be assigned menial jobs on the scene as long as they can stop doing them immediately if needed. The job of a RIT (or RIC) is to go in and aid firefighters if a "mayday " is called, they often carry a specialized SCBA bottle that can be connected directly to a firefighter's SCBA.
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