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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. How about a foreclosed/condemned building or a overgrown lot? Both are things you'd see in any city today and could add some variety to the map as well.
  2. I think you'll have to talk to Monsanto about that...
  3. Thank you, graphic is my specialty.
  4. Looking forward to its release! How much more work is needed? Are you still having to wait for the RMCP mod to be released?
  5. I can beat the first demo with first alarm, the other ones are a bit harder...
  6. Presenting...http://www.fullyinvolvedfire.com/PublicSims/Residential/HouseSim.php A much more realistic simulator and this site has others, the demo versions are free.
  7. There are better simulators out there for incident command that are much more realistic, made for the fire service.
  8. Yeah but not really "firefighter" as I see it, sure Firefighter I&II have a little section about it but that's only on their role and how to understand the ICS which EM4 does not have. A firefighter should never be in command of any of the large incidents like the game has and the game does not provide enough detail to accurately portray small incidents.
  9. Oh I see, I've hard of staffed departments doing that but isn't it kinda impractical for a volunteer department since you don't always know who is going to show up?
  10. I wasn't aware that was a position on a department, I thought "firefighter" pretty much covered that...
  11. I'm not sure this game would be good for firefighter training, it might be more relevant for something like Incident Command or Dispatch training.
  12. I think I'm looking forward to the limited water supply/tanker and the volunteer (red lights, no siren I think) script the most!
  13. How can you all not give glucose?!? Its so simple even civilians can do it.
  14. I'm sure whatever it is it'll be great. One of the things I really liked about this mod was (with the EMS units at least) their was a good balance of old and new units, like you would see in any small rural community. It is highly unlikely to see a tiny little town or even a county with all new units of course.
  15. Well from the context he was talking about the limited water supply he is most likley talking about a land tanker/tender (at least that's what I was talking about). The USFS slurry bomber is already in the game so...
  16. It depends on if the helmet is leather or composite, the leather is a lot heavier than the composite. I have a composite and its not that heavy.
  17. Wouldn't it make more sense to just go talk to your local FD about getting on at all? Then they'll provide you with gear and you can run around in it to your hearts content.
  18. Still no volunteer script?
  19. What about stations? I remember something about you not using the volunteer script so it might be a idea to have a town fire (2 Pumpers, Brush ) department and a rural department.(Pumper, Tanker, Brush). How about the limited water script?
  20. That stuff is expensive! You're looking at a little under $1000 for full gear in the USA anyway...
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