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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. All I'm going to say is that if I was a LEO, I would want as the maximum number of tools/training at my disposal. Yes I'd want a gun on my hip, I'd also want a taser, mace, baton, and a rifle and a shotgun in my car and most importantly all the training I could get, be it SWAT, EMS, Mentally Ill, whatever.
  2. Hey folks I just thought I'd share a couple of videos that I have enjoyed. This guy "B Nugget" is pretty good. Feel free to post funny Emergency Services videos you find. If you work in the emergency services for long you'll meet "this guy" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6WLO0_dMto And this one gets stuck in my head every time I hear the original song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp-kc0eatjw&list=UUxKmHvdI0vCSg40ZFB76qEw And this is by far the most relatable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17wqbXR8nT0 Enjoy
  3. The word is that the station will better fit the map/call volume when the 2nd version of the mod comes out. And I agree, I've taken to calling all my fire/EMS units from off map and just ignoring the station.
  4. She looks snazzy, I think I recognize some of those emblem styles off a shirt a guy on my department wears...
  5. Yeah we fought a war about that! 'Murica!!
  6. They can and have, however in the vast majority of cases death in car crashes can be prevented by wearing a seatbelt, most injuries are caused by either ejection or by your body hitting the inside of the car and 60 (for example) miles per hour and then your internal organs hitting your body at 60 mph, the seatbelt prevents that by slowing all of you down at the same speed as the car. Go ask around in the emergency services, they (as will I ) will tell you that they have seen more examples where a seatbelt would have saved a life vs taken one. Its rare to unbuckle a corpse.
  7. So every time I try to send a unit that just has a black profile picture I get a CTD, is that normal?
  8. Oh yeah that makes sense, you were correct I was just looking at the units. Might want to look at this if you're attempting to stay true to the game http://gta.wikia.com/Liberty_City_Police_Department_%28HD_Universe%29 If not I would suggest giving more realistic names to the units. Like "Patrol", "Highway Patrol", "SWAT" and "Detective"
  9. Can't believe I just now noticed this topic! Everything is looking great, I'm looking forward to playing this mod, vanilla LA doesn't really grab my interest anymore. (And wear your seatbelt, it inconveniences commuters when we have to shut down a road to scrape you off a tree)
  10. On the subject of steam the only issue I have with steam is that I should not have to register my games/connect to the internet.
  11. Yay for freedom of speech and a nifty weird little distraction by hoppah!!
  12. The clip does have one thing right about EMS calls though: way more responders show up than are needed. If what I see out in the sticks translates into the city I wouldn't be surprised to see 3 aerials roll on a cardiac arrest lol.
  13. Dude he's got the Rockport mod and the Portuguese mod too, the fellow's busy.
  14. The disco balls on the aerials are my favorite.
  15. Could you upload the mod to a site other than Mega please? Mega always stops at 82% whenever I try to download the mod.
  16. Have you all considered adding the Park Ranger brush unit?
  17. All we have is a ProPack with a container of 3% AFFF on our pumper. I don't think its been used for a long time... Not since I joined the department anyway.
  18. My opinion: In a bad situation people want the responders to be professional and part of that is looking professional and acting professional. The looking professional comes into having clean gear and wearing uniforms correctly and also having professional looking vehicles and driving professionally too. I agree that it is nice to lighten the mood when possible but if they wanted "cool" and entertainment they would have called the circus instead of 911.
  19. Yeah, sadly professionalism is not as common as it should be.
  20. Very true, I never said it wasn't realistic.
  21. Ambulance looks cool (if a little unprofessional )
  22. Are you still gonna keep this private or will you release it?
  23. *expresses encouragement and polite skepticism*
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