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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Are we going to be able to control the POVs? Like have one or two drive to the scene instead of the station?
  2. Civilians have always gotten in the way. On occasion it can be a teachable moment too, I once happened to pass a group of teenagers while I was leaving a MVA scene (still had my vest on) and stopped to say "That man was wearing a seatbelt, that's why his family is driving him to the hospital instead of us taking him to the morgue", sometimes a slightly graphic reminder (age dependent) can be useful. The fellow involved was pretty chill with it too, he was walking around saying "thank God I had my seatbelt on" etc... The biggest problem I've found is people rubbernecking in such a position as they compromise their own safety. People are legally allowed to watch/film whatever as long as they are in a public space and out of the way but when people stop on the side of the road then they are just asking for a second incident. Kinda like that mission in EM3 lol.
  3. I believe that has already been done. Your skins look good, I think the BPD badge on the side could be a little darker to make it stand out better, like on the real picture but that's just my humble opinion.
  4. Why not? It is in the wrong topic but he's more than free to post pictures from his private mod.
  5. I was (and am) operating under the assumption that the officers use the least amount of force needed to gain compliance.
  6. Unfortunately the only sure way of avoiding injury is to not apprehend criminals at all. Some risks are associated with that particular occupation (criminal) and yes people get hurt and occasionally people die, that's what happens when you break the law. All humanitarian stuff aside they are criminals, not law abiding citizens, they can be treated more roughly.
  7. You will find however that incidents of death from the use of a taser are pretty rare, especially considering how "over used" tasers are.
  8. Just a different style, I'm sure our trucks look goofy to them.
  9. Perhaps Lima or Spencer could be better inspiration, keep the name but when it comes to units/buildings that might be a place to start.
  10. Bama do you plan to base the map off the real Monida Pass?
  11. Perhaps you could make a pack of models from other American mods (with permission of course) and we would have one big pack of American "things" that would save modders the effort of making new stuff when the Montana or Manhattan mods have already done it.
  12. Oh you could go on with ideas, the LA mod did a great job with the new map so you might take a leaf out of that book -American restaurants for buildings (yay stereotypes!!) McDonalds, Burger King, Applebees, Hardees, small town diner. -Dumpsters/trashcans -Road signs; speed limit, crosswalk, do not enter, etc -Powerlines/poles -Different looking banks and stores; Band of America, JC Pennys etc -mailboxes in front of houses
  13. Nah its all in prespective "we've reduced our response time to nothing, literally!"
  14. Since the map don't really match the units/stations I park a pumper and a ladder at the station that's on the map and another pumper and a squad somewhere else on the map. I figure since its still a city map I'll play with the units I figure a city that size would have.
  15. LOL I wish tow trucks got the the scene that fast around here.
  16. Cops don't really put a lot of effort into taking cop-killers "peacefully" and I support them 100%. Killing a LEO is the one thing that will get you hounded by every law enforcement agency wherever you go.
  17. Rescue Squad by Larry Ferazani A bit dated but still good.
  18. I think the most successful recent intervention by LEOs in a situation like that was at the Navy Yard.
  19. Same here with the waiting for Stillwater, it'll fill a niche on the forum for sure.
  20. Just like correctional officers in the US (they don't get the respect they deserve)
  21. You're right about columbine, the "officer/scene safety" mentality slowed down the response big time, you'll note that didn't happen at Sandy Hook though (I'll admit it didn't make much of a difference) but that mentality is chaining. You're right about the response times for barricade incidents but for active shooters it can make a difference I think.
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