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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Maybe have the vehicle disabled on the road and have the animal off the road dead that way you don't have to remove it, that seems to be what happens in my area often anyway.
  2. Maybe a animal control unit with the same script abilities as the ambulance would get you around that issue... Just my thoughts, not big on scripting.
  3. Ah then my brother you know the things that we see. There are things we see no one should have to see and certainly shouldn't be broadcast as entertainment.
  4. Yeah but they don't show the massive amounts of paperwork, the political bickering or the really gory stuff and everyone acts differently when they are on camera, cops criminals, civilians everyone
  5. You will NEVER find a show that shows all the police procedures all the time, that's why its called fiction.
  6. Valid point. How about a LPG truck? A common sight in many parts of America.
  7. I like the top one myself, however their is enough variety in tankers/tenders that I'm sure if their is a model of tanker truck out there some resourceful VFD has made it into a tanker/tender.
  8. How about a welfare check? Have PD do a welfare check on a subject in a house and find him either dead, injured or healthy. Or a suicidal person (armed with a handgun) that needs to be taken into custody. Perhaps a poaching incident? This was discussed on the Ravenna mod topic, have it be like attempted murder in the Montana mod but have a dead deer and the person running away with a rifle, this would be good if you have a Montana Game Warden unit already. Plane crash: Like a car crash you would have to do extrication on it (likley dead) and possibly extinguish a small plane that crashes somewhere in the woods. Domestic Violence, like the fight but inside a house and take both people to jail. Drug deal, as soon as cops show up 2 people take off running and you have to catch them both. EMS calls with different names, since all EMS calls are pretty much the same in the mod (stabilize person, transport) maybe mix up what the dispatch says just for the sake of realism. Things like: Electrical shock, snake bite, heat stroke, broken arm, unknown, mental health emergency, headache, lacerations to chest, unresponsive person etc. Just my ideas, hope they help.
  9. Well we did see the one video of that mod but we kinda have limited experience on account its not released. I think slowing down fire spread and increasing the time it takes to extinguish fires the mod could be made more realistic, that's all I'm saying. On a unrelated note would it be possible to have one or two of the volunteers be paramedics and able to get medical bags out of their POVs? I know most of the guys on the ambulance in my area respond off duty as firefighters so its realistic enough, and some volunteers get Paramedic training on their own.
  10. Do the downloads on this forum not work in the UK?
  11. BEHOLD! The Twinkie Truck in all its glory!
  12. Oh I thought you meant the snack cake twinkies. *breathes American sigh of relief*
  13. *gasps* Not the Twinkie Truck!!
  14. Well I'm saying in this game you'll have the added time deficit of responding to the station just like in real life, and you can't argue that the fire spread i the game is unrealistic. The average room and contents house fire will not be igniting trees outside the house in 2min. Didn't the Manhattan mod do something with the fire physics? I think they did but I can't play it on my computer so I don't know for sure.
  15. Would it be possible to slow down the speed at which fire spreads in this mod? Its not *as* much of a issue as in the LA mod because of the availability of pumpers however without some more realistic fire scripts I suspect that a house fire will spread across the block before I get a engine staffed by POV and on scene. Also could we have POVs have the "patrol" function too?
  16. Actually I'm not but that picture if from IndianaFireTrucks.com, it was just the best picture I could get of a truck that was similar to the one nearby never having taken a picture of it.
  17. Just make sure the game does not require online activation or anything like that please.
  18. Are you folks planning on adding a unit similar to a "fire marshal"? I'm not sure how it works in British Columbia but in my area in the state fire marshals have full law enforcement authority of state troopers and are charged with investigating suspicious fires.
  19. You think that thing is beastly? A town a few districts over from mine has a truck like this converted civilian tanker, I pity the fool that has to maneuver that to our rural fires.
  20. Yeah a tanker would be cool, most FD tankers are custom built but if you make something like this people could do nice FD variations of it.
  21. I can't tell very well in the picture, have they made the proportions of people, vehicles, roads and buildings more realistic?
  22. Found a discussion on the largest fire station/department http://www.firehouse.com/forums/t96482/
  23. Nah lol, as the cliche American I much prefer to have someone do the work for me while I go eat McDonald's or blow stuff up.
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