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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Does the brush truck have the limited water supply logic on it too?
  2. Don't like registering for things, usually no good reason to. If they want you to register with FB or something like that they most likley want to use it for market research and such.
  3. Maybe a beacon style light or two on the front and back, just my opinion.
  4. Could you have a wide section of the map be flat open ranch land and then transition to wooded hills on one side? The impression I got of Montana when I was there was that its pretty but for long stretches there is a whole lot of nothing. Maybe have lots of scrub that can burn in the field to make some nice grass fires. Other ideas. -ATV trail with a ATV wreck possibly, in may rural areas ATV trails run alongside roads and then divert off into the woods and such, it might be cool to have a few crisscrossing the grasslands and forests. -Meth Lab: Have a trailer off in the back woods that would occasionally be the scene of a meth lab call (arrest subjects, decon area, extinguish any fire) -Wind turbine, saw a lot of those in Montana -Maybe have just one long windy road that goes across the whole map that the town is on and have smaller roads off of that that interconnect. -Maybe a small little air strip (dirt) with a ultralight or two on it (keep it small), EMS could transfer patients from ambulances to helicopters there. -If no small airstrip the fire station should have a helipad adjacent to it. Lots of FDs have helipads at their stations for ambulances to transfer patients, the FD secures the LZ for the helicopter, especially in rural areas such transfers happen often.
  5. So would I be correct in saying (in Portugal at least) that in urban areas fire protection is based out one or two large central stations as opposed to small stations spread out across the city?
  6. Ask any bystanders about the situation (who was with the child? how long were they gone? etc) Try the door to see if its unlocked (try before you pry) if the door is locked and the child isn't in immediate danger get the lockout kit from my car and open the door that way, if the child is in immediate danger use a glass punch on the passenger door to gain entry and then remove the child from the vehicle. Call EMS to have them evaluate the child.
  7. No I just saw it on the thread/FB page (Can't remember which), I wish I could Beta test that but I don't have the scripting skills needed.
  8. Portage county is pretty suburban so I don't think Ravenna has any tankers, if they have to water shuttle I assume they just use pumpers.
  9. Marshall has a stop sign with flashing lights around it it in the Ravenna mod...
  10. Like red with white stripes? I could see that as a improvement.
  11. Hey could you add tasers in the next release? Maybe to be fair have only the town cop and the state troopers have tasers and have the sheriff deputies just have guns to make the units more different. I think the taser script comes from the West Midlands mod as long as you give credit its free to use. And to diversify the units even more how about you remove the "go to station" ability from the state troopers so the Deputies and Officers are the only ones who can transport units to jail? That would be slightly less realistic but still kinda legit and would make the units stand out even more.
  12. Well I guess for a German unit its pretty good... jk ghost, it looks amazing.
  13. Ah, good call, looks great.
  14. Looks good, I'd take out the second right turn sign though, its redundant and too late for a driver to change their driving anyway.
  15. My department you need a Commercial Drivers License to drive the big trucks and a regular license to drive the brush truck. We don't really have enough people to be picky about who can drive what.
  16. Fred03

    Blackrock Cliffs

    Yeah I know, it just don't look "right" to me. Its a small thing though considering how great it looks in general.
  17. Fred03

    Blackrock Cliffs

    Looks great! Although the back seems a little "off" maybe just have the blue stripe going straight across?
  18. If if you do mod/addition for each province are you going to just pick the largest city and use their FD/EMS/PD as well as the province specific units? That's really the only way it makes sense to me so I'm curious.
  19. Oh yeah, about every month or so here the sheriff has to go deal with someone's cow out on the road.
  20. All valid points but we've probably hijacked this topic long enough (although a new topic might be a idea). So Kingairway, what additional work needs to be done before release and are you planning on releasing other versions/updates after the first one?
  21. That sounds like what happens around here anyway. I know in Alaska they give the meet to some local charity or something (according to Alaska State Troopers) but most of the time here the animal is just pulled up off the road and sometimes all the way to the tree line if someone feels ambitious.
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