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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Very strange light bar...
  2. As long as you have one of these somewhere on the map I will be happy.
  3. A great many ways to make the game more realistic have been suggested by a great many people, the problem is that modders can only work in the confines of the vanilla game and making such changes would require a terrific amount of work if even possible. Look at how long it took to make the limited water supply work in game (really long times, it was believed to be impossible) and people had been asking for that as long as I've been lurking on the forums and I'm sure before that. I would personally keep my hopes for EM4 limited and hope that EM5 delivers on its promise of being more mod-friendly.
  4. That is a nice looking ambulance.
  5. I prefer to use the commands from the units that can (police, fire chief), especially since that makes the fire station react most authentically.
  6. This is what he said earlier, not sure if you saw that or not.
  7. No you haven't done anything wrong, the MCU isn't included in the current mod.
  8. I just have the cop get and then drop a fire extinguisher, then its all fine.
  9. Before the usual suspects come out I'm just going to say I see both sides of the issue. Yes the RCMP mod staff have been working hard, yes they have lives outside of modding that take priority and yes since we aren't paying them they have no obligation to tell us anything or to even release the mod for that matter. Also folks have been waiting on this mod for a long time (yes I know you all are taking your time to do a good job) so it would be considerate to be a bit more transparent as to progress thus far and as to what needs to be done yet, not a release day of course but a ballpark idea of where you are. That's how I see things from my soapbox anyway, carry on.
  10. I was watching coverage of the airliner that was shot down over Ukraine and noted that yes the emergency vehicles in that region really do look like that, nicely done.
  11. I think the thing with the rural mods I've seen being worked on so far is that you can either have cool, fancy looking units or realistic units for the area. I love the units in the current Montana Mod, I think they look brilliant but you aren't going to find a rural department that has that nice equipment, most only have one or two new trucks (post 2000) and the rest of their units older and a bit "loved". The nicest unit in most FDs is their pumper or aerial anyway seeing as those units have to be custom built whereas with enough work you can cobble together a rescue, brush or tanker unit out of civilian vehicles and the like.
  12. How about a tanker/tender if the scripting will work, you could make a brush unit and use it as a command unit too if you wanted although most rural departments I've seen (the small ones anyway) the chief just drives to the scene in his POV and that's the command unit. If you do anything though having the units look a little "worn" would be good, especially the brush seeing as while most departments take lots of pride in their trucks they certainly won't have the newest units and most would have a few dings and dents.
  13. It might be worth looking at the Jefferson Township VFD, they look like the sort of small town VFD you are trying to represent. http://www.indianafiretrucks.com/Station.aspx?StationId=409
  14. Have you thought about maybe adding a beat-up off road unit to the police department? Maybe something like a older Jeep Cherokee or Wrangler or something. Something suited to going off road. Or will that be covered by a similar vehicle in the sheriff's department fleet? Maybe something like this, toss a older blue rotator dashlight on it and you have a genuine looking rural PD unit. Or something a little newer looking
  15. Charleston will be released if Marshall can implement the limited water supply logic, if he can't he's going to keep it as a private mod. Ravenna will be released once the RCMP mod (?) is released OR he gets permission to release his mod using the models he used OR he replaces those models with models already in use. As I understand it anyway.
  16. Yes the fire stations are supposed to be empty, just send all the FD vehicles from the menu to the map and then hit the "return to station" button.
  17. This topic has some suggestions from the community http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19148-your-favorite-mods/
  18. The thing with the ambulance is the door on the box looks out of proportion to the cab. In general however things look good.
  19. I'm quite curious as well, please consider releasing it. I don't suppose you've added a second fire station...
  20. I agree, a updated selection of banners would be nice, if you have the time.
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