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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Expect most of the poorer, former or current third world countries to have a mix of current arms supplied by dealers and old soviet aircraft. Of course a few have US aircraft, bought from one of the states we backed during the cold war, it really depends on the country and which camp it fell in with during the cold war. Either way I highly doubt very many countries in Africa would be using M1 Abrams tanks and top of the line US military jets, look into things like Migs.
  2. Most current version is on the first post of this thread.
  3. Fred03

    Preorder now!

    If they could get a English version released on Amazon.com that would be great.
  4. Here is one "Oh no, its a TV chopper, someone must have tipped off the channel! Go! Go!"
  5. Fire boats seem to futuristic but in all lots of eye candy.
  6. I believe that is because it is going to be a bicycle, not a motorcycle (although I could be wrong)
  7. Looks good, although the skin around the license plate could use a little touching up.
  8. I don't think that has been implemented in any mod, tasers and limited water supply however have been.
  9. I'm down for 1,000. Sounds like a maybe 2 active pumpers and a reserve, rescue, 2 brush units and a tanker, maybe a command SUV. 4 cops sounds about right, not counting Sheriff's Deputies, state park rangers/wardens and state troopers.
  10. Wow, quite a bit bigger then lol, quite large by rural standards.
  11. Keyword here being decent sized, our in the sticks most Sheriff's Departments might have no more than a Sheriff and 3 deputies and the Fire Department would be lucky to have 10 reliable volunteers. This is Montana we're talking about and there is a whole lotta nothing and nobody so I doubt you'd see very much of the other positions you'd see in a east cost community. I would reckon a town of the size Monidia pass appears to be based on in this mod ( the real one is a ghost town), I'm guessing no more than 300 people (loggers, ranchers, maybe a small factory bama could straighten me out I'm sure) would be pretty sparsely staffed for emergency workers which in my opinion is the point/charm of this mod. This isn't New York City where we can call as much support as you could possibly need for a emergency, you gotta make do with little resources.
  12. In most rural areas a few armed law enforcement officers are all that the area may see. Although occasionally a department might have one or two people who are unarmed that just assist with stopping traffic for parades and such but in most cases if additional traffic control is needed the FD just sends a couple of firefighters out in POVs.
  13. Oh that's a idea, I'll give it a shot.
  14. We have a jury-riged skid unit in ours (redneck engineering job) and our equipment is in 3 big metal boxes on the truck and rakes stashed in the gaps. It really does look great what you all have done.
  15. 1. Nice units 2. How is the 2 hospital thing going to work, where will the ambulances drop off patients? Closest one? 3. I think hoppah put the ticket thing in the LA mod a while back, nice touch but not new.
  16. In my volly department we roll with whoever shows up, last vehicle fire only 2 people responded and one took the pumper and one POV. Of course it was a motorcycle fire so the guy with the pumper idled it up and sprayed down what was left of the cycle while the other checked the driver, I fear for what would have happened if it had been a bigger incident though but that's the peril of a volunteer department.
  17. Not sure if you planned on doing this later or not but I would suggest putting some equipment mounts on the tank, it looks a bit dull at the moment, a rake and a Pulaski perhaps.
  18. Nice! Looks like a lot of the brush trucks around my place (although considerably newer and nicer lol)
  19. Toss a few potholes in there
  20. I think that can be done in the current game. I seem to recall in the LA mod that the chargers go a little faster than the 'vics and such. And the Manhattan mod had different response speeds so it can be done, just need to go play with the vehicle speed scripts I suspect. Someone with scripting experience who actually knows what they are doing might be able to help explain it better.
  21. The BCAS ambulances in the BCAS station won't respond when a ambulance is dispatched so I had to switch to manually dispatching all my units.
  22. Its probably a "better" setup for visibility but I can't get the mental image of a dog bone out of my head.
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