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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. I was under the impression he was going to use the limited water supply logic. And there will be a few houses out in the country areas I hope, and with slower fire spread and more longer-lasting fires (I hope) it might take more than one pumper load of water. This is of course assuming we uses the limited water supply logic of course.
  2. For small towns tankers aren't luxuries, they're vital. Rural firefighting requires a much bigger focus on water supply, hence if a town only has one "pumper" they are only going to have 500-1,000 gallons of water to fight a fire until mutual aid shows up (in some areas upwards of half a hour) a tanker is needed to insure the firefighters a continuous water supply. This isn't like LA or NY where they have hydrants every block, the town could only be a few hundred people in a small area but the department would cover large amounts of sparsely settled land outside the town as well, and hydrants don't grow naturally on the prairies of Montana. To solve this problem many departments utilize pumper/tankers which carry more water, less tools and have large pumps (from the outside they look like any other pumper), most rural departments use only pumper/tankers as pumpers because the smaller tanks favored by urban departments just aren't practical. In short tankers aren't a required because its a volunteer department, they're required because its a rural department.
  3. But don't they still have to go to the station to pick up the response car? Could you have certain firefighters be paramedics and be able to get medic bags from their POVs?
  4. Just seems to me that in a small town would either have a fire department ambulance (1 EMT, 1 Paramedic at station 24/7 just for the ambulance) or a private EMS company/separate governmental EMS agency (1 or 2 ambulances and maybe a supervisor car sometimes). Your average volly department in a small area would be lucky to scrape 10 firefighters and at the most trained as EMRs and maybe a EMT or two.
  5. Your mod, you're call. But personally I think a paramedic car is a bit unrealistic for a tiny VFD in the middle of nowhere.
  6. The a light plant is a generator/floodlight unit, usually a trailer, usually only used for lighting command posts at major incidents.
  7. Maybe a brush or tanker...?
  8. I like seeing a new crane, I'm getting pretty sick of the vanilla LA mod crane.
  9. The truck looks nice but is it really wise to make it JUST a water tower? Wouldn't a ladder truck that had a master stream on the top be more useful than just a sightly elevated master stream? Seems like with a ladder that truck would be a lot more versatile.
  10. To be fair personally I hate ANYTHING on the internet I have to sign up for. That's just one more thing with my email address, it took a lot to get me to sign up with EMP.
  11. Nice!!, glad to see some more variety in the brush truck model field.
  12. That's what I mean, my bad, just a trooper unit or too.
  13. As long as its nice and rural (more cows than people) I don't care where its set. But if you want to set it on the border that means a few more units to incorporate into the mod and at least one more road sign so...
  14. Thanks for the update! I'm curious to see how the vehicle look compared to people now too.
  15. Looks nice, although the beacon light on the brush truck seems a bit large.
  16. I think that would require a lot of scripting, but if it worked why not do it for all firefighters? However I think the current plan (stated somewhere back) is to have the player call all the firefighters in POVs from off-map. Personally I think I will just have groups of POVs grouped together and then put them on standby at random spots/houses around the map and call them as a group when I get a call, but that's just me.
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