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The Loot

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Everything posted by The Loot

  1. There are several missions that take place at an airport in the game and the LA mod. While freeplay may not have an airport, those units aren't completely out of place.
  2. The icons are greyed out because the call menu is disabled. You have to use the call scripts assigned to people in order to call units.
  3. Fantastic! Was only a matter of time till something peeked out to give us a look, and it's a good look.
  4. As I said, it's worded confusingly if that's the case. Still, "you can't use these at all in any situation" is not what I expect itchboy to mean, so I was just looking for clarification.
  5. Well, that's disappointing. What's the point of a release if people can't use them? Is that what you intended. or did you misstate something?
  6. bool body; body==ready; Small aside: anyone know what number the Lomita Sherrif's station is (the number I assume is displayed on the front top of their vehicles)?
  7. Oh, wow. Going back through the thread, I hadn't realized you finished and released the LASD van! That's going in my files ASAP.
  8. Ah ha! That would explain why some of my new ones were slow in missions.
  9. I would think it's intentional and a part of either the person type (paramedic teams), or the getequipment action (shears). I know that the upgrade levels also affect person speed, but I'm not sure about all the details. I had some issues in campaign missions with slow people after I messed around with new units; I made some changes after that but I don't know if those persist.
  10. When you add new prototypes, you have to modify several files: In the Specs folder, portraits.xml has to have the correct TEXT and UNIT parameter. Those coincide with the Unit.xml Unit ID and strings in the Lang folder files portraits.xml and infotexts.xml. Specs portraits.xml <portrait prototype="mod:Prototypes/Persons/02 EPI/urbano.e4p" big="norm" text="LISBONENSE" unit="LISBONENSE"/>Lang portraits.xml <string name="ID_PORTRAIT_LISBONENSE>Display Name Goes Here</string>Lang infotexts.xml ​<string name="ID_NAME_LISBONENSE">Display Name Goes Here</string><string name="ID_PURPOSE_LISBONENSE">Description Goes Here</string><string name="ID_TOOLTIP_LISBONENSE">Display Name Goes Here</string>Make sure you've also copied over the image files into the same unit folder.
  11. The only "object" is the "virtual object", which are certain blue boxes placed on the map. I'd suggest taking a look at some editor tutorials to get started with that.
  12. Spawning vehicles is a large process dealing with LAFireStationStart if based off the LA mod. Here's an example: ActorList Vehicle1 = Game::GetActors(VO_PARKING1); //Checks for certain Virtual Object on mapfor(int i=0; i < Vehicle1.GetNumActors(); i++){ Vector Spawn1 = Vehicle1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition(); //Create a spawn point at Virtual Object position Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(VEH_UNIT1, "Unnamed"); //Define vehicle to spawn and its name. m.EnableBlueLights(false); //Set flashing lights off m.EnableHeadLights(false); //Set vehicle lights off m.SetPosition(Spawn1); //Places vehicle at spawn m.UpdatePlacement(); //As above m.SetMaxPassengers(2); //Set max passengers m.SetMaxTransports(1); //Set max transports m.SetSpeed(12.0f); //Set speed}You'll need to define things like "VO_PARKING1" and "VEH_UNIT1" as constants at the top of the script file. As for disabling certain events in freeplay, open the "fp_params_endless.xml" file, find the event you want to disable, and change "Enabled value" to 0.
  13. How are we going to handle the small tow truck with the LA mod? I believe the NYC mod had more scripts since it dealt with three different trucks with restricted functions, and things would be slightly different compared to the rollback.
  14. Genuine desire to assist people making mods with a little shameless self-promotion incoming There might be a little something in my signature that could also help someone out with the Water Supply mod...
  15. You don't even have to remove that. "fp_freeplay" shouldn't be loaded MP since it would use "mp_freeplay" instead, unless you changed that for some reason.
  16. I've no preference for it, but you could just stick with an Econo. Some tow truck stuff. LAPD Flatbed Wolf's Towing Flatbed There's also Keystone Towing, which is apparently connected to the "Official Police Garage". Their site has a list of companies that do work for them.
  17. Looks great. Any changes to other vehicles since the last release? Here's a good selection for CalTrans.
  18. Text and stripe color, and it says "Field Operations" instead of "Border Patrol" on the side, and no text on the rear other than some numbering.
  19. Personally, I'd go for the blue stripe "Field Operations" livery. There's probably no real difference between the two, but I'd think the green Border Patrol units probably stick near the actual border, which LA is a bit far from.
  20. Video is from 13-14 years ago. Except for the most resource-strapped departments and communities, most have probably gone to more modern forms of communications that don't cause loud disruptions to their communities.
  21. Most of what you need to know about Los Angeles Mod copyright and permissions is right here.
  22. You'll need to add the new prototypes to the LASiren (or equivalent) script. Add the new constants at the top, and then point to those in the sections that determine what sound will play for each. You may have to add new sections if you run into statement limits.
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