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The Loot

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Everything posted by The Loot

  1. As far as I remember, there were no classic vehicles in that submod. New units with new skins, but most were the base LA Mod Models.
  2. Sounds like there's an error in the xml file, thus it can't load anything in it.
  3. Sure. Hopefully this was the latest one. Haven't really touched EM4 in quite a while. Hoppah's Limited Water Supply Script by The Loot.zip
  4. Simplest thing to do that is just copy and move the virtual objects for the vehicle, and then change the ones that are referenced for the vehicle in the script section. Dealing with things like passengers and transports leaving the vehicle, or opening/closing gates are another project, however.
  5. They're also offset to the driver's side of the rear window, and this goes for marked slicktops, too. Newer model vehicles have completely different lighting setups, however, and Youtube sucks for examples.
  6. This series is far more popular in Germany, and that community is far larger, so it's not surprising. The majority of any game modding community is going to be people with limited skills, so a small community will have even less skilled creators to notice. Those are some reasons things are dying around here. The conflict between the tier of creators has not helped at all, of course, with those on both sides moving on. Those who could improve also lose their interest, along with many end users who become discouraged when content they're looking forward to dies off. The argument is sound, but the hard lines that were drawn, and some bad reactions to them, did no one any favors.
  7. The original post states it's Boston based, And talking about modding "dying", I think hassling and berating amateur modders for not having all new original content does more damage than anything.
  8. Depending on the mod you play, there might also be scripts that change vehicle speeds, but otherwise it's done as stated above.
  9. The LA mod made the female officer an alternative to the male officer in the unit file, meaning you had a random chance of getting either when you added an officer to a vehicle. It's easy enough with a script to define what ones are spawned, but to change the aforementioned setup, you'd have to make both officers a unique unit, which wouldn't be to difficult if you know how to add new units to the game already..
  10. And to think they think YouTube Gaming and Content ID can coexist.
  11. Just like vehicles, yes. Animations will make it look kind of weird when the light doesn't move with the person, of course.
  12. As I mentioned, LAFireStationStart is only dealing with the tiller Cab, not the trailer. The command mentioned there that spawns the trailer, DummyTillerCheck, is in the LATiller script file, and that's where you'll have to go to disable the trailer lights at start.
  13. The "DummyTillerCheck" command in the LATiller script file is what spawns the trailer, so you need to make sure to use "EnableBlueLights(false)" there, too. As for the siren issues, I'm not sure what it is since everything looks fine.
  14. Ah right, that'd be just the Tiller Cabin, but actually you'd have to do it under the "DummyTillerCheck" command which is what creates the trailer. That should do it. As for the siren, might as well post your siren script file and the exact prototype(s) that's having issues.
  15. 1: "vehicle->EnableBlueLights(false);" 2: Make sure that prototype is actually defined in the LASiren script under the correct section,
  16. Integrated graphics are fine for grandma's computer, but gaming of most sorts pretty much requires a dedicated card.
  17. It sucks that a few ruin it for the many, but it also sucks that some let a few ruin it for the many: no one comes out the winner in these situations.
  18. Was I disappointed and a little cranky when I thought I wasn't going to see these vehicles in-game? Sure. Disappointment is no excuse for attacking itchboy, though, and his reasons are his own and good. Knowing that there's a bigger plan for these than just a vehicle replacement pack for the aging LA mod, however, is pretty good news. Maybe leading off with that announcement might have saved some strife, but if he's intent on playing it close to the vest, that's understandable. I'm quite interested to see what's coming down the road for this project.
  19. Well, looks nice. Sounds like I'm done tinkering with EM4, unless something else comes along and keeps me interested enough. If I had the talent and patience to do things on my own it might have been different, but it is how it is. Good luck on your project.
  20. Unless someone directly says they made it, they aren't doing that. Spacing on author credits, especially for just a simple image, ain't the same. If this had been directed solely at mods that are available for download, it'd be different. As it is, posting nothing more than one image without credits is punishable.
  21. Frankly, this seems like something that will end up discouraging people when you go all out on harsh enforcement. I might not do much, but I already feel less inclined.
  22. Simply changing the filepath in the constants should be most of what you have to do. For startup staffing, changing the child numbers of the DummyCallCrew command in LAFireStationStart is how you change staffing (these are controlled under the DummyCallCrew in LAFireStation), same with the script in the LABattalionChief file and the Alarm command in LAFireStation. The issue you will run into with the change and the call script in LABattalionChief is that it's a different vehicletype. Find the line that includes VT_AMBULANCE_RTW, and change it to VT_FIREFIGHTERS_RW (check the firefighters spelling under the engine call script because I think it might have a typo in the game code), which is what your SUV should be classed as.
  23. Create a new child object with the same model as the super.
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