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The Loot

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Everything posted by The Loot

  1. Very nice job on those new skins!
  2. I think the USFS personnel in the LA mod are close enough for both those services from what I've seen (yellow coat and green pants). A different helmet color for the Chief and Medics would suffice; White or Orange and Blue, respectively. I don't know how accurate that is to their actual equipment, but it would work well enough for me. I'm not sure if the stretcher teams really need anything changed on them, so I could just add a new unit to my game or use the LAFD personnel as-is.
  3. Sorry for asking you to release something you didn't have permission to (though I'm at least putting that stuff to good use). New work looks great! I love the chance to have more USFS vehicles, and the NPS vehicles could come in handy, too. Do you plan on doing some personnel reskins, too? I'd be nice to have a Chief, Medic, and Stretcher Teams for the USFS (and that set should work for the NPS, also), plus some generic non-turnout gear Medics, EMTs, and Stretcher Teams for AMR, McCormick, and maybe ARC. And another idea would to have a set of additional LA County Fire vehicles and personnel.
  4. Actually, the mod isn't too bad on that (it's complicated in other ways), but the process of acquiring it and setting it up was a slight hassle.
  5. That works fine. I saw the link, so thanks!
  6. Oh, that is something I'd love to throw into my LA Mod. Please tell me you plan on a release of some sort.
  7. I more meant that there wasn't a person on the map that I was supposed to arrest, but apparently sometimes you just have to talk to the victim and send them on their way.
  8. Download link on that post is a 404. Winterberg is really hard to get a hold of.
  9. It's a very bare bones translation, and there is plenty that isn't translated or not easily deciphered.
  10. I've been trying to replicate the differences in speed depending on whether a vehicle has it's lights on or off like the Harbor City and Copenhagen mods. I've added the line that seem to be needed, and everything seems fine, but there's an issue where in some situations a vehicle will not have the correct speed until I select the vehicle. Usually this happens using call commands, whether off-map or on, but it does not happen every time. Also, I can't seem to get the icon for the lights to stay enabled. Realized there was a set of dummy commands being used, so I redid those, and added those commands to other scripts to solve the problems. LAFlashingLights.rar
  11. Great mod! I've never really been interested in non-US mods, but I was intrigued when I saw the vehicle dispatching and restriction functions. I'd love to see a new LA mod taking advantage of those. A few issues: Pathing issues sometimes when ambulances return from the hospital; closest, higher way completely ignores the normal road paths. Once a game I have one of my ambulances destroyed because it gets stuck under the rail gates when it happens to cross at the wrong time. Probably related to the top issue as it's that road. Is there a way to replace a destroyed vehicle? Person in the water near a bridge. When a diver pulls him back towards the shore, he gets placed put of reach of medics (not with a stretcher, though). Diver also walks on the water there. Traffic accident at the highway curve jammed up traffic. Not sure if there was an invisible or clipping object blocking cars. Intersection in upper right part of map has bugged traffic lights (they change too fast for even one vehicle to get through). Also, how do we do police missions where no suspect is marked?
  12. The army mod uses a completely different system than that of freeplay. One thing you can do is change the "MinDurationBetweenEvents" value in "fp_params_endless.xml" to a higher number, but that can add unneeded delay between short events and still allow large events to overlap depending on how it's set.
  13. Should be able to add the model and texture files, and change the model the B9 prototype uses. You'd also have to copy over the lights, doors, and wheels from the V2 prototype.
  14. Let's see if I can figure this out. 1. You can edit the vehicle XML files, but that won't affect the three speed commands. 2. Find the values in whatever script control those commands. I didn't have any luck finding them myself, so I'm not sure what file those commands are in.
  15. You should be able to just copy over the doors and wheels from the original prototype, so keep it around.
  16. You'll have to make sure the .V3O file is unlocked first. You can do that in the editor under Modifications > Unpack file. After that, you can open the V3O file in Notepad and should be able to change what DDS file it uses for textures.
  17. Well, some good news. I managed to successfully make call commands for the Equipment Squad (I replaced it with the LEV), the Water Tender, and the Brush Truck. The SWR Truck still has some unsolved errors that break the command, and the Crane is now at the same spot the SWR used to be (doesn't find the vehicle on map). I'll take the small victory!
  18. 1.0f is equal to 10 speed, I believe. The base LA Mod has vehicles at 100 speed in the XML set to 10.f in the scripts, so I'm pretty sure that's accurate.
  19. The crew runs to the vehicle, which has 3 or 4 seats, and they just stand there. I've sped the game up and waited well past the amount of time it should take and nothing ever happens. This also happens even where there are people in the vehicle when it's called (new crew still run out to it, doesn't move). I'll comment out those lines and give it another try. Edit: Nope, no change there. Edit 2: Now the REALLY strange thing is that I've used the same base script to make working call commands for three other vehicles now, (plus one not so working one), so I just don't know why the SWR Truck does not work correctly.
  20. Hmm, what to all the speed values under "DummyPatrol" refer to? Also, I'm wondering what makes it so that vehicles on patrol don't overtake. Is it a property of the path itself, as I don't see anything in the script.
  21. Whoops. Yeah, free file sites can be annoying, and didn't think about attaching here. LACallSWR.rar
  22. Hoppah and my friend managed to dig out the issues I was running into, so I've got the scripts 100% now. I'm assuming adding even more vehicles would be pretty easy, and that sounds like an interesting script. I'm also going to start adding random checks to other scripts like the Call Ambulance and Call Engine buys to get some variety and eliminate the scripts to call specific vehicles and just have them be dispatched if the map vehicles aren't available. Here's the script; it has two commands, slightly different (the second calls a scout and negotiator in a Bear instead of just SWAT in a Bearcat). LACallSWAT.rar Note: Prototype file names may need to be changed.
  23. Actually, a little pondering (and advice from a friend who actually studied some scripting), and I've got it, and, thanks to Hoppah, I hopefully have another set up like the Light Force where two vehicles can be called if desired.
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