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The Loot

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Everything posted by The Loot

  1. Hmm, what do these "advanced commands" entail? Also, what purpose does the spine board have in-game, or is it just a realism nod?
  2. Once you know the steps, and you get the hang of it, it becomes pretty easy. I've got 35 new units in the LA Mod I play, and I'm planning on even more.
  3. Man, I forgot all about this mod, and here I am on a kick of trying to get more LACo units into my LA mod. Looking forward to this even more now.
  4. I've tried to put the "Self Execute" and priority lines in there, but it always seems to keep it from activating at all. I think I can manage the priority issue. For the value, lower is as it sounds? Something like this for those two (unsure if ValidTargets is needed): {PcmdRadio(){SetIcon("radio"); SetCursor("radio"); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_PERSON | ACTOR_HOUSE); SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE); SetPriority(1);}Also, any idea on how to keep it from being useable unless the caller is completely idle, without equipment? Edit: Ok, that line worked for keeping it from being any sort of default command. {SetIcon("radio"); SetCursor("radio"); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_VIRTUAL); SetPriority(200);}And that one let's me click on the ground to deactivate the mode. Awesome. The change in priority also looks like it's solved the need to make sure they're idle, at least in some situations. I'll have to keep an eye on that. Thanks Dyson. Can't wait to see what you guys have got stuffed into v3 in the near future.
  5. I've made a radio command that switches the normal people out for ones with only vehicle call commands and then back again. So far so good, but I'm having issues with when and how the command activates. I'd like it to ONLY activate when pushing the command button (not when clicking on the caller, ground, another person, vehicle, or object), and only when the caller is playing an idle animation, since there's issues with them being in the middle of other things when trying to remove the old prototype. One issue I've run into, though, is that when in an building interior, they get stuck and are unable to leave the building unless a vehicle is pulled up next to it. I'm guessing that's from them being created there without going through the door. Is there a way to fix that, or at least make the command not work when in a building? Here's what I have for the script. LARadio.rar
  6. When using something such as "p.RemoveCommand", is there a way to remove ALL commands, or will they have to be done individually? Well, found a work around by creating new prototypes instead of worrying about removing and adding all the commands. Also, when deleting a prototype and replacing it with a new one, is there a way to make the new one automatically selected? Dug around in the US Army mod and found out the way. Thanks, Hoppah! And another, how do you arrange the order in which commands are displayed? Order in editor, apparently. I swore it hadn't worked before. Well, seems I answered all my questions. If anyone's interested in my methods, ask away.
  7. Weird, because under Resistance in Traits, the numbers are greyed out, and don't correspond to either "fireresistance" in specs nor a 0-100% scale (numbers like 3000 and 6000 for PM and PMSCBA). Also, in the first EM4 mission, it's supposed to find Person Type Mask and not do damage to them in the smoke, but both SCBA units get damaged. And in the LA Race Crash mission, I had two SCBA Firefighters go down near the burning cars.
  8. For some reason, my Firefighters are taking damage from being around fires and smoke during missions. I've tweaked a lot of things in the LA submod I'm using, but I can't think of anything that would have caused it to happen. What files and settings should I look at to fix this? The only thing I can think of is "materials", which I'd need a copy of the default one as I screwed up and edited it instead of a mod copy. Also, I've now noticed that the dog does not appear from the Rescue Dog vehicle, nor can I find a script that controls that. Scratch that, it must have glitched the first time.
  9. Using the 4x4 YSB submod and the Battalion Chief vehicle at Station One does not empty when it returns. The EMS vehicle there, and both vehicles at Station Two empty, and I can't see a difference in the script that would be causing it. Any help? LAToFireStation.rar Figured it out finally. The BCV was separated from the other commands by an if/else that is kind of confusing looking, but apparently worked otherwise. Just added the missing actions to the BCV section and it should work now.
  10. Any progress on the PASS script or the helmet lights? I tried doing the lights myself but I don't know if there's a way to attach the light to the model so it doesn't stay stationary during animations.
  11. I'm trying to find a different way of doing "VehicleList patrolCars(VT_POLICE_MTW, VT_POLICE_STW);", ideally just using a list of prototypes to find. Any time I've tried to add another VT group, it causes an error. Anyone have ideas? Nevermind, found a German site that suggested "VT_THW_FGRR_BKF, VT_POLICE_GTW" to allow all vehicles to be valid, and I know how to make it look for specific prototypes. Now I can call almost ALL vehicles on my freeplay map, except for a Swift Water Rescue truck that refuses to work correctly even though it's a copy-paste-edit of working scripts.
  12. Well, the fact that they aren't in Turnout gear explains it pretty well. You just have to use the single FF/PMs to heal a victim near fire or move the victim away to a safe spot.
  13. I believe you can fix that one by getting a fire extinguisher or other equipment and then dropping it.
  14. Save the following as a new .script file, and add "PcmdShotsFired" to the person in the editor. const char SND_PDBACKUP[] = "mod:Audio/FX/radio/pd_backup.wav"; //rename if sound file differentconst char UNNAMED[] = "Unnamed";const char HINT_SHOTS[] = "Shots fired!";object PcmdShotsFired : CommandScript{PcmdShotsFired() {SetIcon("callpatrolcar"); SetCursor("callassistance"); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_VIRTUAL); SetDeselectCaller(false); SetSelfClickActivation(true); SetHighlightingEnabled(false); SetGroupID(CGROUP_GETEQUIPMENT); SetGroupLeader(true);} bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) {GameObjectList SelectPer = Game::GetSelectedGameObjects(); if (SelectPer.GetNumObjects() != 1) return false; Person p(Caller); if(p.IsValid() && (p.IsLinkedWithPerson() || p.IsCarryingPerson() || p.IsEquipped() || p.IsPulling() || p.GetFirehoseID()!=0 || p.GetEnteredCarID() != -1)) return false; if (p.IsCurrentAction("EActionTreatPerson")) return false; if (!Caller->IsValid() || Caller->GetType() != ACTOR_PERSON) return false; return true; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) {if(!Caller->IsValid() || Caller->GetID() == Target->GetID()) return false; if (Caller->GetType() != ACTOR_PERSON) return false; Person p(Caller); if(p.IsValid() && (p.IsLinkedWithPerson() || p.IsCarryingPerson() || p.IsEquipped() || p.IsPulling() || p.GetFirehoseID()!=0 || p.GetEnteredCarID() != -1)) return false; if (p.IsCurrentAction("EActionTreatPerson")) return false; return true; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID) {Vector CmdPos = Game::GetCommandPos(); Caller->PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_NEWLIST, CmdPos); Caller->PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "talkmike"); Caller->PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 3.5f); Caller->PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "idle"); if (1){Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_PDBACKUP, Caller->GetPosition()); Mission::PlayHint(HINT_SHOTS); return;} }}
  15. So that unit would just transport more personnel or equipment and supplies then?
  16. Found a few missing semicolons and added braces, so I've got this now. bool Ambulance03 = true; bool Ambulance04 = true; bool Ambulance05 = true; GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(PROTO_AMBULANCE03); if (list.GetNumObjects() > 0){Ambulance03 = false;} list = Game::GetGameObjects(PROTO_AMBULANCE04); if (list.GetNumObjects() > 0){Ambulance04 = false;} list = Game::GetGameObjects(PROTO_AMBULANCE05); if (list.GetNumObjects() > 0){Ambulance05 = false;} int Money = Mission::GetMoneyLeft(); if (Money <= 550) {Ambulance04 = false;} else if (Money <= 850) {Ambulance03 = false; Ambulance05 = false;} Vehicle n; if (Ambulance04 == true) {n = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_AMBULANCE04, UNNAMED); int NewMoney = Money - 550; } else if (Ambulance05 == true) {n = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_AMBULANCE05, UNNAMED); int NewMoney = Money - 850; } else if (Ambulance03 == true) {n = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_AMBULANCE03, UNNAMED); int NewMoney = Money - 850; } else {Mission::PlayHint(HINT_NOAMBULANCE); return;} Problem is that it seems "GameObjectList" check isn't either finding the proto (if that's valid to use there), or isn't setting it to false if it is.
  17. I'm trying to recreate the restriction of one bomb robot when it comes to calling additional ambulances from off map. So far, I've added this to the top of the script: const char NAME_AMBULANCE03[] = "Ambulance03";const char NAME_AMBULANCE04[] = "Ambulance04";const char NAME_AMBULANCE05[] = "Ambulance05";And then used this as the script for creating a vehicle: {System::Log("Buy ALS Ambulance"); bool Ambulance03 = true; bool Ambulance04 = true; bool Ambulance05 = true; GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_AMBULANCE03) if (list.GetNumObjects() > 0) Ambulance03 = false; GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_AMBULANCE04) if (list.GetNumObjects() > 0) Ambulance04 = false; GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_AMBULANCE05) if (list.GetNumObjects() > 0) Ambulance05 = false; int Money = Mission::GetMoneyLeft(); if (Money <= 550) Ambulance04 = false; else if (Money <= 850)(Ambulance03 = false && Ambulance05 = false); Vehicle n; if (Ambulance04 = true) {n = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_AMBULANCE04, UNNAMED); int NewMoney = Money - 550; } else if (Ambulance05 = true) {n = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_AMBULANCE05, UNNAMED); int NewMoney = Money - 850; } else if (Ambulance03 = true) {n = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_AMBULANCE03, UNNAMED); int NewMoney = Money - 850; } else {Mission::PlayHint(HINT_NOAMBULANCE); return;} Mission::SetMoney(NewMoney); n.SetSpeed(12.0f); Person p1; Person p2; p1 = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM, UNNAMED); p2 = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM, UNNAMED); n.SetPlayerMP(Caller->GetPlayerMP()); p1.SetPlayerMP(Caller->GetPlayerMP()); p2.SetPlayerMP(Caller->GetPlayerMP()); p1.SetUpgradeLevel(3); p2.SetUpgradeLevel(3); n.SetMaxPassengers(2); n.SetMaxTransports(1); n.AddPassenger(&p1); n.AddPassenger(&p2); n.SetPosition(Spawn); n.UpdatePlacement(); n.Hide(); n.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_NEWLIST, Rotate); n.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 35.0f); n.PushActionShowHide(ACTION_APPEND, false); n.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, CmdPos); n.RemoveCommand("VcmdToFireStation"); n.RemoveCommand("VcmdToHospital"); n.RemoveCommand("VcmdPatrolAmbulance"); if (!n.HasCommand(DUMMY_HASSIREN) && n.HasCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF) && !Input::LShiftPressed() && !Input::RShiftPressed()) Game::ExecuteCommand(CMD_SIREN, &n, &n); Mission::PlayHint(HINT_ALSAMBUBOUGHT); } I end up with the following script errors: ?(_LACallAmbulance80504): Error: Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_AMBULANCE03)if(list.GetNumObjects()>0)Ambulance03 Syntax error??(_LACallAmbulance80504): FILE:mod:/scripts/game/command/LACallAmbulance.script80504 LINE:203?(_LACallAmbulance80504): Error: if(list.GetNumObjects()>0)Ambulance03 Syntax error??(_LACallAmbulance80504): FILE:mod:/scripts/game/command/LACallAmbulance.script80504 LINE:203?(_LACallAmbulance80504): Error: Symbol list is not defined in current scope?(_LACallAmbulance80504): FILE:mod:/scripts/game/command/LACallAmbulance.script80504 LINE:203?(_LACallAmbulance80504): Error: Failed to evaluate list.GetNumObjects()?(_LACallAmbulance80504): Possible candidates are...?(_LACallAmbulance80504): filename line:size busy function type and name ?(_LACallAmbulance80504):?(_LACallAmbulance80504): Error: improper lvalue?(_LACallAmbulance80504): FILE:mod:/scripts/game/command/LACallAmbulance.script80504 LINE:203?(_LACallAmbulance80504): !!!Dictionary position rewound...?(_LACallAmbulance80504): !!!Error recovered!!!Obviously I'm missing some code from the LABombRobot script, but I haven't messed with this before. I've added my "Call Ambulance" and "LA Bomb Robot" script files. Scripts.rar
  18. I figured they just used them as transport and/or equipment trucks. I just thought the model would be good to put to use for all the departments in those roles. True. Personally, I've been planning on going through the missions (and freeplay), and restricting vehicles to certain AOs that make sense for them. I can use the LAFD units with no problem, though I'd prefer to have "local" units to call. Anything you don't get to I can take another shot at myself. I was noticing that most images I got when I searched for LACoFD had AMR ambulances around, but I did see one LACoFD ambulance that looked somewhat modern. There was the one LACo Sheriff Special Forces Bearcat skin in the collection you had. Was that your work?
  19. Seems obvious in hindsight there was another file I could reference. Thanks, I'll take a look. Edit: Looks like 21 is the tutorial, 22 doesn't exist, and 23, 24, and 25 are Deluxe missions. so 26-35 are the LA Mod missions.
  20. Those are all looking very nice! Would it be possible to get full vehicle fleets for all the fire departments? I'm personally stuck with very sloppy cut'n'paste reskins as my graphic design skills are very limited. LA County: All Ambulances (01, 02, 04, Large Rescue), Light Equipment Truck, Heavy Equipment Squad (remake of existing LACo skin to go with new ones), all Engines (01, 02, USFS 17, Tender, Brush), Water Rescue Truck, Rescue Crane, USAR Truck, Aerial Ladder, Crown Vic and/or SUV command vehicles (EMS and Battalion). USFS, BLM, NPS: Large Rescue Ambulance (like you have for USFS already), Light Equipment Truck, Heavy Equipment Squad, all Engines (01, 02, USFS 17, Tender, Brush), Crown Vic and/or SUV command vehicles (EMS and Battalion). I know you've got some of those listed planned or done already, but I'd love to have an entire fleet of vehicles to utilize. Take your time, and only take on as much work as you're willing to, of course. I'll be happy with whatever you release.
  21. Is it possible to have the LAChangeClothes, LAStretcher, LAGetEMTBag, and such commands automatically find the nearest valid vehicle like the default equipment commands do? There has to be just a line or two of code to make that possible, right? (OT: If someone could possibly answer my question here, that'd be great.)
  22. EM4 has 20 missions, and the LA Mod adds another ten, for a total of 30. I'm going through all my missions and restricting vehicles from ones that would fall outside their AO, but when I look in the unit.xml files, numbers as high as 35 show up. Is there something not straight forward about the numbers, or are there extras?
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