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The Loot

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Everything posted by The Loot

  1. Are the files set to "Read-Only"? And are you running the editor as Administrator?
  2. For anyone else, you have to unlock the v30 file, and then open it in notepad and change the texture filename within.
  3. My tutorial is out of date now. The newest version has pump commands; if the pumps aren't activated, no hoses will work. Add a pump_controller child on the vehicle, just like the controller one. Then add the pcmd and vcmd to people and vehicles. Then you can use a person to control the pumps.
  4. You had a few lines to remove, I remember. Even doing that it hasn't worked for me. Any ideas on my last post?
  5. Oh man, that all looks damn fine.
  6. Manhattan Mod has theirs set at 6000, I believe. I've raised it to 9001, just because.
  7. Well, I went through and made sure I reverted the names in your new scripts (I felt too lazy to go back and change the commands on all the vehicles), and haven't run into any problems. I can go back and change it. Alright, I'll go through my scripts and change those.
  8. I see something; both of your vehicles are defined as "n" now. I don't know what would be causing that other error, since you've got everything unique when it comes to p1.
  9. Can't look at the script at the moment, but that sounds like you've assigned "p1" to multiple people somewhere. Just like the vehicles, they need to be uniquely identified.
  10. No way to "pause" a script, but you can delay PushActions. n.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 2.5f);Increase the "f" value on a line like that, and the script takes longer to move on to the next action. I use a value of 30 for all my call scripts to represent the delay of the vehicle coming from off map,
  11. Easiest way would be to find the constant of the current vehicle(s) at the top of those three scripts mentioned. Change the file path to point to the vehicle that you'd rather have in the station than the current one. If you want, you can also search for any mention of the constant and rename it to suit the new vehicle, but that's optional.
  12. When you released the first demo mod I took out the old LAWye file; only one I use now is the script within HoseExtensions, as far as I know. The wye has always had this problem in the mod (4X4 YSB LA SubMod), and I had hoped that using your new scripts, models, and prototypes would fix it. For some reason, it hasn't. The script works well enough for all the vehicles spawned on the map at start. !WATER, Start DummyCheckWaterSupply!WATER, Assigned water tank level of 400 to mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/brush_truck.e4p!WATER, Assigned water tank level of 800 to mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/aerial_ladder.e4p!WATER, Assigned water tank level of 1200 to mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fire_engine1.e4p!WATER, Assigned water tank level of 1200 to mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fire_engine2.e4p!WATER, Assigned water tank level of 1200 to mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fire_engine1_1.e4p!WATER, Assigned water tank level of 1200 to mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fire_engine2_1.e4p!WATER, Assigned water tank level of 2400 to mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/water_tender.e4pHowever, when vehicles are spawned by script, I see this. I get nothing when I spawn from the game menu. Vehicles from either method don't have the water level icons (unlike the vehicles spawned at start), and have the pump switch icon (also unlike those spawned at start, though all my vehicles have the pump command). Somehow there was a fluke with the supply line. I tried again on multiple vehicles with no problem. I'll upload my command folder, and the freeplay script below.fp_freeplay.rarCommand.rar (Related: Should I not use "!StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), CONSTANT) == 0"? I've seen it as "StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), CONSTANT) !== 0" in your scripts, I believe.)
  13. I've got the pumps function up and running fine in my mod (though the command does not show up on the vehicle menu), and I haven't run into any bugs I can't fix. Haven't tried out the tanker in game yet, but I'm assuming everything will be fine with it, too. Yeah, though I realize now that with one person on the pump, four on the hoses, and one for the gun, I'm pretty much out of people I can use for any vehicle I have. Mostly I was wondering for the brush truck, but now I realize that the extra person now runs the pump, so the idea is moot. The only idea I have is maybe add pumps to the ladder vehicles (if that makes sense). Sadly, my fears about the wye and hose extension were realized. Neither one will pick up, and I made sure to use the model files, prototype files, and scripts straight from the demo mod; I do not get what's causing it. Is there some other script in the LA mod that might be a culprit? Or am I just out of luck for no conceivable reason? Your demo mod works flawlessly with them. Now, the odd thing is that when I spawn a vehicle with the script or menu after starting freeplay, it shows the pump command on the vehicle, but it does not have the water supply command just like before. Also, while it will connect a supply line during deployment, it won't disconnect it, not even outside of deployment.
  14. Sounds great. Haven't found any real obstacles with scripts just yet; haven't got to the big scripts just yet, other than rapid deployment, though. I'm beginning to think that simply releasing my edited scripts will be easier than going step by step with all my edits. Quick Q Hoppah? Will it be a simple copy paste for the equipment actions on deployment if I want to apply it to GTF vehicles, or will some change to the function be needed?
  15. I'm waiting on the next release of the mod to see what changes will need to be made before I put up the script guide.
  16. FDNY(that looks like an FDNY vehicle, but with a MT plate?) AND Halo fans?
  17. - Awesome. - I fear this will run into the same problem as the wye does for me. I think I'll just forget about the LA mods Barriers, Cones and Flares (I rarely use them anyways) and make sure to just take the pickup script straight from you. - Pumps will add a welcome layer of complexity and strategy. - Never had a problem with your icons, but I'm sure the new ones will be snazzy. - Looking forward to the new deployment capabilities. Some hints on how to modify it personal liking would be welcome. While I'll have to do some needed tweaking to new features, I'm confidant I can easily re-add my changes to the new version. Once again, thanks for the great work Hoppah. Edit for Bug: Hoppah, I've noticed that while vehicles that start spawned on the map work fine, vehicles that are spawned "off-map" through call scripts aren't getting the water system assigned to them. Will I need to manually assign the dummies in the call script, or is there a change to the water script that will work with that? It seems to affect any vehicle spawned after the initial setup, either through menu or script.
  18. Boy, that's not encouraging. I have no modelling experience myself. I'll look into that. All I want to do is just make one of the stretcher guys invisible.
  19. Hoppah, quick semi-related question. I'm tweaking the extinguish values for various sources. I believe I found the normal firehose value here. float Energy = (Caller->GetEquipment()==EQUIP_FIREHOSE) ? 20.0f : 12.5f; Caller->PushActionExtinguish(ACTION_APPEND, Target, Energy);Now, in this section... if(v.GetVehicleType()==VT_FIREFIGHTERS_TLF) Energy = 20.0f;else if(v.GetVehicleType()==VT_FIREFIGHTERS_LPF) Energy = 30.0f;else if(v.GetVehicleType()==VT_FIREFIGHTERS_FLB) Energy = 40.0f;else Energy = 100.0f;...does "else" end up just affecting, say, the Fire Plane? DLK types aren't mentioned there. The only thing I see of them is above that... if (useDLKlogic) { Person p(Caller); if (p.GetEnteredCarTargetID() == -1) { Caller->PushActionTurnBase(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target); Caller->PushActionCannonExtinguish(ACTION_APPEND, Target, 25.f, false); } else Caller->PushActionCannonExtinguish(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target, 25.f, false); return; }...but there's no mention of the energy value for the action there.
  20. Yep. And the scripting doesn't have to be as complicated as I did it. I just wanted to have different deck guns and water capacities, and accurate water level icons, for different vehicles (Engines vs Smaller Engines vs Brush Truck vs Foam Tender vs Airport Crash Engine).
  21. Does paint.net edit dds files with no conversion needed?
  22. That deals with mission scripts, so while all the non-scripting is probably the same, the scripts would be completely different. I'm sure Hoppah is planning on full implementation of it into his own Army mod, of course.
  23. At the request of another user, I have written a quick tutorial for integrating Hoppah's "Limited Water Supply" Mod. At the moment, it only covers the non-scripting parts; Setting Up Vehicles and the Map. Step One: Setting Up Vehicles Before you do anything, if you have engines based on the NY/LA mods (deck gun combined with hose connections), make a copy of the prototype. It can save you some work. First thing to do is to make sure your vehicle type (under traits) is set to Firefighters GTF (Ladder vehicles don't need to be changed, only engines). Second, make sure the only Superstructure parts (under "Edit Children") are four hose connectors (named "connector0", "connector1", "connector2", and "connector3"). Do this only for non-Ladder vehicles. Next, to set up the supply line connector. Go under "Edit Children -> Edit Childs", add another hose connector where you prefer on the vehicle, and name it "water_supply". It's the only modification needed for "Firefighters DLK" (Ladders) at the moment. Lastly, if your vehicle has them, remove the commands Extinguish, Cool, and WaterOn (these are not needed with the new deck gun script that shall be covered later). Step Two: Setting Up People The only changes you may need to make to your personnel is to add the commands "attachfirehose", "detachfirehose", and "dropequipment" if they do not already have them. Step Three: Setting Up Deck Gun Dummies First thing to do is add a few things to your normal vehicles. Under ""Edit Children -> Edit Childs"", first add the preferred deck gun object at whatever position you want, and name it "cannon". You may need to make new prototypes using the cannon model and place them in the "MOD\Prototypes\Objects\03 Objects" folder. Just behind the cannon, place another object (using the golf ball object works well), name it "controller", and hide it just inside the vehicle. This is where the person will appear when using the deck gun. Now, clone a new vehicle prototype and name it something like "Engine Cannon" (Instead of a new prototype, you can use the copies you made of your old vehicle). Remove all Superstructure parts and children except for the deck gun, which must be named "cannon". Compare the placement to the cannon on the other vehicle and move as needed so they line up. Change vehicle type to TLF (or LPF for more powerful cannon). Change vehicle model to something small (the golf ball model works well again). Deck gun prototype should now be set up. Step Four: Edit Vehicle Model File Open your vehicles V3O file in Notepad, and at the very bottom add the following lines: M, activate0, 1M, deactivate0, 1 Those are dummy animations used by the deckgun script. If the file opens as gibberish, you'll need to unpack the model file (load the mod in editor, select Unpack File from mod menu, browse and open the correct file). Step Five: Setting Up Freeplay Map Only step is to add an object somewhere on the map named "water_supply_main". Make sure it's out of the way, and maybe an object that uses the "indestructible" material so it won't catch on fire.
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