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  • Birthday August 22

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  1. This is my favourite one, sadly it's just a livery prototype for the Alfa 159...The panther is always been in the squad's logo (squadra volante) and we also refer to squad's cars as "panthers"
  2. I have the opposite feeling,I see these two models as motorbike helmet and scooter helmets
  3. Hello! I'm trying to write what I think can be useful, let me know if it's ok the way I'm doing this. I have few scenarios, the same scenarios can have different levels of complexity. (I used "minor", "moderate" and "severe" referring to the scene, not only to the patient's situation) I'm not considering car accidents. Suggestion/question: to improve realism, try to get the "CPR time" (the orange bar) longer (in order to get an ALS unit to the scene) but also longer to fill...is that possible? 1 - Elder needs assistance: Minor - Pt. found seated in the living room, feels sick and needs to get to the hospital Moderate - Pt. fell in his house (add trauma equipment) Moderate 2 - Pt fell in his house (add trauma equipment and require ALS assistance) SEVERE - Pt requires immediate medical assistance, can't open the door, a dog inside the house will attack paramedics (requires ALS unit, Police, Fire Department and ladder if not accessible otherwise) 2 - Young man attempts suicide: Minor - Pt. had NON lethal drugs. Get him to the hospital. (needs bystander to be questioned) Moderate - Pt locked the door (requires FD) Moderate 2 - Pt. Found unconscious, requiring ALS unit. (for proper medical treatment on scene, you need to find the empty blister or question bystanders) SEVERE - Pt. unconscious, not breathing. requiring ALS unit. Efforts on CPR are non effective, the patient is declared dead. Investigate on his death, finding drugs and, eventually, a suicide note (requires ALS unit, PD, CSI) ...Thinking more if these are ok
  4. I think the European models are the golden standard for structure fire. The only limit I see in these helmets is their poor use during extrications or SAR operations. I use a smaller helmet when this occurs.
  5. New unit from me, I wanted to add some oldschool style, will you suggest me vintage vehicles for em4? couldn't find much of em
  6. I sent a report on this, try to replace the v3o file of the ATF agent (non swat) from the first release into the beta. It worked for me
  7. I got inspired by the MPPD Crown vic so I made an interceptor version of it (sorry for the bad crop)
  8. The game is finally playable and it's AWESOME! Thanks bama, you made such a great work, my congrats PS: I sent you a bugreport
  9. Volunteer EMT-B, 3 years now. Medical student. My country follows the Franco-German EMS System, so we have: BLSD Units for routine calls/ transports with 2-3 EMT-B Intermediate Units with a Nurse, and two EMT-B ALS Units with Nurse, Emergency Physician and two EMT-B I'm currently studying to become a Physician and then get a master degree in Anesthesiology and Reanimation...wish me luck
  10. Merry Christmas everyone, and many thanks to Bama and his team for this release! Is there a way to enable the extra zoom? I want to look at the skydome as pictured in the first page PS: @bama I really enjoyed my skins adopted in this masterpiece
  11. I literally dropped my jaw. That's the best map work I've ever seen. That's perfect, brilliant, the state of the art.
  12. It's maybe the best software available to do this kind of operations actually Go Bama! Love the hint about the map, it's great!
  13. I have a question too : will EMS get the new stretcher for this version?
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