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  1. It work thanks. and Bama awesome mod love the reskins and new models.
  2. I have downloaded it and have installed it on my computer but when I open up emergency 4 it shows a green tool next to it and wont play.
  3. I am trying to make the ATF NRU a ambulance with a different reskin but I want to keep the ATF NRU with its original skin for police. How do I make the reskin only work on the ambulance one and not both. I have tried looking through the forums but cant find anything to really help me. I have windows vista. If someone has the link to a tutorial that will help me.
  4. I never said I wouldn't pay I just was told that no one would probably make any models for me but they might add them to there mod.
  5. Don't know if I am allowed to do this But here is a couple of vehicles I think should be added either in the first release or sometime down the road.
  6. Don't know if I am allowed to do this But here is a couple of vehicles I think should be added either in the first release or sometime down the road.
  7. I can't wait for this to come out. The teaser trailer looks really good.
  8. You should release what u have it looks good
  9. I would love to download this to play.
  10. This mod looks good. It would be nice if you guys can make it public.
  11. Has anyone figured out how to use more than 1 air tanker at a time?
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