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Tommy van Extel

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  1. I got version 5.0.4 from his new website ( redirects from www.squad55.com/ ) but i agree that updates are lacking here...
  2. No one? I noticed btw version 5.0.4 on your new web site :O What has been changed?
  3. I'm at work right now but it seems like the original LA map. Strange...
  4. EDIT; i think i'm playing the wrong map, as i don't have the stations and such. Just compared with your screenshots... Need to figure out what is going wrong o_0
  5. Well if someone could do that for me... that'll be my hero forever
  6. Cool mod Will the limited water mod be included as well?
  7. Can we have a option to automatically fill all stations / send out all units to go to their stations and standby spots? It takes soo much time every time we play to send them all out... Thanks!
  8. The game keeps crashing for a friend of mine, whilst we are playing together (me as host, he joined). There seems to be no pattern, happens both in Challenge and Endless. What could be wrong? Last time we could play up to 45 minutes until he crashed. Thanks! logfile.txt
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