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  1. Version 2.4.2


    This is the map from Squad 55, a 911 First Responders/Emergency 4 gaming clan. This map has been under lock and key for everyone except their members. To get access to this map you will have to "watch" 3 of their games AND wait 1 week to get access to it. This map is made solely for multiplayer proposes, as single player cannot work as the scripts for it aren't the same. To install : Just drag the folder from the .rar into your mod folder. There is no complicated installation, no .exes to run. Just a folder move. This map has full working "Go to station" scripts, however at some stations (3 and 5) parking the units is sometimes a tassel. Info: This map is v2.4 of the map that has been worked on since 2009. It consists of 7 stations in the map. By default, all PD calls have been disabled unless you go to the "challenge" mode. It also consists of their own textures and sirens. According to the squad 55 district map, there is 3 districts. Usually 3-4 people playing. If 4 people are playing standard mode, they each divide up the districts. "East" district will have Station 1 and Station 2, "West" District has Station 3 and Station 7, "South" district has Station 4, Station 5, and Station 6. Each player in a 4 player game gets 1 district each while the 4th player gets EMS. Should 3 players be playing each player handles everything in their own district. Station Listings: Station 1: Engine 1 Ladder 1 Medic 1 Station 2: Engine 2 Rescue 2 Medic 2 Marine 2 Crane 2(called in, but parked manually) Station 3: Engine 3 Squad 3 Medic 3 Station 4: Engine 4 Ladder 4 Medic 4 Station 5: Engine 5 Medic 5 Medic 6 Station 6: Foamer 5 Foamer 6 Hazmat 6 Station 7: Foamer 7 Foamer 8 Hazmat 7 NOTE: Due to EM4 multiplayer restrictions, only the host can send people up into the second floor of buildings, if someone other than the host attempts, the FF will get stuck permanently, unless the host retrieves the FF after being downed by police. Due to a bug with the automatic heal with the LA mod script, If you have a Firefighter(FF) with a hose line near a downed person and no other FF is tending to the patient with a EMT bag, the FF with the hose line will glitch and have a medbag and a hose line at the same time. Only fix for this is shooting the FF with police and remove him from the scene. Another bug present is when changing into SCBA gear on the units, you will lose all the buttons and movement capabilities of that unit. The fix is to have a FF change out of their gear at the unit and change back into it, this fixes the problem. Each engine comes with only 3 FFs, Ladder comes with 3 also, Rescue 2/Squad 3 is the same as well. Medics come equipped with 1 FF with medbag and 1 stretcher team. Foamer units come with 2 FF's with SCBA gear on already. And the Hazmat units have 6 people in them
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